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Hello Kids. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend relaxing and will be all bright and early tomorrow morning for lessons. Swimming in the school pool first at 6.30am. Unheated of course.
We had a school swimming pool at the school I attended in Wimbledon. It was outdoors, unheated and right over the other side of the playing fields with the train line raised up on a bank behind it. Swimming for all the summer term. I hated it. It was freezing, freezing, freezing, and of course the games teacher never got in!!
Well, I am smothered in Pledge and have just decided why commandos and SAS use it. They don't need weapons or fighting skills - the eney flees!!
Seriously though, the smell does fade off and it does make skin feel nice. Am off into the garden this afternoon after lunch, so will see if it keeps the little critters away.