Technology0 min ago
Has anyone seen poor Scruff?
As promised, here is Nancy Banks-Smith's latest monthly Archers collumn :::
http:// www.the guardia v-and-r adio/20 15/aug/ 11/nanc y-banks -smith- on-the- archers -wild-f lowers- sow-fam ily-dis cord...
Not sure what happened to our previous thread, but lets start another one ! Can you believe that the announcement of the Secret Wedding went down so well ? I would have expected some shock and...
Anyone hear it this morning (Gness?) it was Stephen Fry.
Quite an eclectic mix of music, and some of his disclosures took me by surprise.
(Not in a bad way)....
does anyone know where Ruth Archer is ? and can it get any worse than it is now, Chris Evans 500 words was better that this lot !
BBC2 especially, with Steve Wright who takes any interesting subject and reduces it to trivia and yesterday on the Jeremy Vine programme they had a man on explaining, in great detail, how he washes...
Does anyone know the blues music that's played on the above trailer? It sounds a bit like Eric Clapton to me, but I could be wrong.
"A Sing for Jenny".....I hope everybody watched this last impressive. I have said this before but if we can produce drama of this quality, why on earth do we need to import stuff from...
Any Questions. R4@ 8:00.
For anyone who's interested.(and didn't notice)...
Oh dear. What an awful episode. So much arguing, and Kate needs a good hiding! I feel exhausted. And still no sign of Scruff. Where will it end...........
http:// www.the guardia edia/20 15/jun/ 02/robe rt-pest on-eddi e-mair- radio-4 -bbc#co mments
I'm very excited about the prospect of this as I love Eddie Mair...
Poor Linda - I really thought she had found him. Glad they're carrying on with the storyline, anyway.
Is Rob Titcheners chicken finally coming home to roost and will Helens eyes be finally opened to this horror that she has set up home with ?
Fingers crossed !...
I have always found Clive Anderson really irritating, and wonder how he ever got a job as an interviewer. He never listens to answers, interjecting ‘Yeah … yeah …’ every few seconds to...
Don't forget to tune into R4 @ 6:30pm tonight to listen to Mark Steel's in town. I find him very funny.
Well, there wasn't a dry eye in my house last night ! Well done lads, and well done to the scriptwriters. It must have been tempting to make the event resemble a Sicilian wedding, with people diving...
Where did our nice long Archers thread disappear to then ? Lets start another ! I heard Rob being horrid to Helen again last night ! Just what is wrong with that daft woman that she just can't see the...
I had todays Zoe Ball programme on this morning and caught a something I should have listened too so have just tried to get the programme on the IPlayer but cant get the BBC 2 schedule up like you can...
Sometimes i have the misfortune to catch the end of this while im waiting for the far superior simon Mayo. Anyway, when the traffic is being read out, often midsentence or sometimes mid-word a bell...
...recently I was subjected to this DAB radio station for almost 7 hours. Not my kind of thing at all. However the thing that puzzled me was that there were no traffic... most...