Neti, I have never been asked for passports or identity when staying in an English hotel (last time was last July), but as Woofy says, a lot do swipe credit cards when you check in. They certainly do in last towns and cities. We had to when staying in Guildford.
Had a lovely Thai meal at friend's restaurant, duck in marmalade sauce with noodles and veg!! Yummy. We are going there on Saturday to celebrate the engagement and again a fortnight later for Chinese New Year when every night for five nights is one big party and loads of decorations go up - good fun. I am stuffed full of food and now want to go to sleep.
I have now been and got some passport size photos for new passport and Blue Badge. Can't smile for passport photos, so I scowled and I look even worse than my avatar and very, very, very old. The camera never lies :o(
Oh, who cares........................................