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You're not splitting up my family

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Petal~flower | 00:23 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | TV
87 Answers
Did anyone watch this?

All the intervention from social services did the boys no favours at all. They both ended up in and out of prison. One of them said, that they would rather of stayed at home with their dad, and be slapped a couple of times a week, rather than being put in to care. I found it sad to watch.



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ah right I see its great to have more of an insight into it. and yes the gran was right to say theyd take advantage if she let them back. It was nice to see one of them looking afer that other child and realising that he doesnt want him to have the life he had.
were you a trouble maker after going to that school ratbox :-)
No, I was a good boy, tried to distance myself from Mark in School. I am about 3 years older than them, so I didn't see Mark much, and Jason went to a different school.
good for you :-)
I think the programme was a very interesting insight in to a family with problems. Throughout the programme though I felt that this form of 'fly on the wall filming' seemed some what cruel, and that I shouldn't be watching people suffering like this with a camera in there face, I didn't understand why the father didn't just swear at the camera and hit it when he got angry....maybe he did and they cut those parts??

I thought the SS did ok, considering the anger and temper the father showed towards them, he was quite threatening. I know that I wouldn't want to be in a office alone with him never mind in his house. I think they did all they could but if people don't want to be helped what can they do.

I thought the Gran was a brilliant character lovely women, a person I would like as my gran. She thought the way I do when it comes to trying to control the boys, yes she would shout, yes she would chase after them out the house when they ran away, and tell them she wouldn't care for them if they were rude to her.....all things I would do and agree with, the father would just swear and say go then if you want to, the gran would say no you can't, how dare you not go to school. I don't blame her for not wanting to be around them now as she is older and more vunerable. I hope she continues to live a happy life.
I think the boys have not helped themselves really, yes they have had a bad start and the father has not helped but Jason admitted that the new family life thay moved into was good and safe like it should be, but Mark left and Jason doesn't seem to have done him any favours since. The way they talked about the compensation like it was nothing and that they wasted money (which to me represented their mum and what she meant to them) on harmful drink, fags, and drugs, they should be ashamed and to be proud of it enough to tell the tv want they bought with it is just disrespectful to their mums memory. They were given a helping hand by their mum and they wasted it !
I dont think I could sit there with the camera and not tell the dad to sort it out
i never managed to see the whole programme but i did watch some of it and was appaled at how the kids were treated. I cant even find that alcohol is an excuse for the way the father spoke to and about his kids right in front of him, you would think he would b greatful he still had part of his wife in them. But the Gran!! her attitude was disgusting towards them. Did the twins ever know love after the death of their mum? From what I saw it looked like they were not even given an incentive to behave better or praised or even told they were cared about. I know it was not the grans responsibility to look after them but surely she could have at least spoke to them as though she cared for them it was awful.
What The - Totally agree, they are in effect spitting on their mums grave.
Sadly I fell asleep in the last 5 mins and missed what happened to the father. Can anyone tell me?


coming from someone who knows the coxens very well i do feel sorry for them yes but they have not changed, my parents homed them for a while as i was going with mark and my dad went down to th council to help them get money payed for them to go to interviews and they just dont care or seem to want to help them selves, i like the coxens very much but please they r 22 and could easliy get a job as a trolly pusher or sumit 4 now, instead yes there back in prison!!
who ever sed th coxens wer thik as pig **** nd ugly wif no teeth i no thm very well nd although all th wana dee is drink a bet marks a hell ov a lot better thn u r diviiiiiiii!!! my mam nd dad did loads 4 them and i miss thm a bit but dont really feel that sorry 4 them as they could help them selves if they wanted to, idiots. theyv grew up rund a dad that drinks nd thats jus wat thv ended up like, nd yes th bak in prison! but dnt diss thm!RAVERANDFUNK ur th tramp u dik!
joanne missin mark xx
oh dear I guess you went to the same school as them then :-)
joanen missin fathead haha xx
jo missin mark x
why did you write ok in first post and not your 2nd?
leutin - Tom hasn't changed. Still drinking his life away down the Osborne Workman's Club in Chester-le-Street. He doesn't think they are bad kids, but doesn't see them much now.
Im so sorry basebounce, could you please give me one good reason why the twins aren't as thick as pi$�hit?

look at the facts:

No qualifications
In and out of prison
Living like tramps
pi55ed all of theier compensation money up the wall
ASBO's for drinking in public
Local villagers arranged a petition to get them out

Do I need to go on?

And could you try and write so it is understandable, I know that might be difficult.

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