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You're not splitting up my family

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Petal~flower | 00:23 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | TV
87 Answers
Did anyone watch this?

All the intervention from social services did the boys no favours at all. They both ended up in and out of prison. One of them said, that they would rather of stayed at home with their dad, and be slapped a couple of times a week, rather than being put in to care. I found it sad to watch.



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And they are both ugly with no teeth.
It was so sad when the boys were sitting with tears in their eyes after Tom had said that he didn't want them anymore. I wonder if he might have reacted differently had the camera not been on him. I think that made it harder for him to tell them that they were behaving like little B's but that he loved them. I think that although Jason is no angel, away from Mark's influence I think he would be doing better for himself. He did look a bit shamefaced when they were talking about spending all that money.

A very sad story that has made me even more aware of making sure that my own boys always know that they are loved and are secure. I feel that if there was a bit more love and security and discipline in the equation, they might have managed to improve their situation.

Part of them saying that they wouldn't have minded the odd beating if they had stayed at home is around feeling secure when you have boundarys and discipline and love. Beating your children is never right, but I can see why for them it was the lesser of their issues.
Reverandfunk ur a propa mug sayin that they've got no teeth. They were in a car crash so wot dya expect? Ive known them 4 years and there 2 nice lads if ya tuk the time 2 get 2 no them.
They could have bought false ones with their compensation instead of spending it all on drugs.

I'm sure they are lovely people, all the people they BURGLED think so.

yes he never said they wernt nice he said thick as sh1t which they are and ugly with no teeth, true again. Please try and write a bit normally. I know I get odd spelling mistake when I rush but come on
I guess they are lovely lads if you are their dealer
Looking at this docu, I really felt for them as young boys, it's fuuny how we look at men who are wasters now and hate their behaviour. I do wonder what life they had to turn them into these type of people. It's easier to see now!

hope the SS have learned a lot from it though, I have sat in on case conferences to determin children's safety and I have to say that in most cases SS try to work with families! But clearly there are major failings still happening!
Firstly i can type howeva n spell howeva i want am not in a rush. Fair enuf they burgled houses but they had just seen 1 ov their parents die horrifically in a car crash wud'nt u go off the rails if u seen sumthing lyk that happen 2 a luved 1? They can spend their compen on wot they want aswell n they wud still have it if ppl didnt take advantage ov them havin loadsa money. So wot if they havnt got any teeth u think ur g8 sittin behind a computa desk hurlin abuse at them but y not say it 2 them face 2 face n then we'll c whos got nee teeth ya gimp
Shouldn't you be in school learning how to spell?

All of your posts suggest that you (like them) are as thick as p$"%*it too and no I wouldn't say it them face to face because I am not in prison.

I have actually seen someone die horrifically. They are low life scum and basically dirty tramps.
as I wouldnt if that had happened to me I would take it as to live life to the full and make something of myself. But as has been said no-one knows how they would be until it happens. Rev is just saying same as me and that something like that would change his life around for the better. And as for rest of your post I would reply but I couldnt understand a word of it. sorry
where do you come from stacey w?
The twins have no desire to help themselves out of the situation they are in, a situation which is partly their own making.

Fair enough, when Linda died it was tragic and the way Tom changed didn't help them, but at no point did they try and take control of their own lives (although to an extent Jason has now he's got a relationship going and a small kid to help look after). They carried on down the same path as their brother Paul (not shown in the documentary, but mentioned by Tom) of petty crime years after Linda's death and being taken out of their home.

Neither of them have a job, or anything going for them, apart from the community service (although now they are allegedly back in prison, even that is gone).

They showed no remorse about the compensation money going so quickly. They seemed quite proud to be able to reel off to the camera everything they have spent it on.

People have tried to help them to the best of their abilities, with the possible exception of Tom, but the twins haven't tried to do anything to make it easier on anyone else.

I'm glad I have no contact with that side of the family any more.
Well said Ratbox. We have all had some sort of tradegy in our lives but you have to deal with it.

Openly flaunting a bag of weed and saying thats where my money went I found pathetic.

There are where they deserve to be.
does anyone else find it wierd that three greenies on this post claim to know them? How likely is that that 3 seperate people, all new to this site in the last 2 weeks found this question, and know them?
i prefer to think that poeople on here arent real people and pray to gos i dont know any of you in real life!
yer thats why I asked where they come from and hey nothing
Yes we r real u prick am from chesta same as them n i types the name ov the documenty in2 google n this website came up n i showed it 2 my m8 (basebounce) n we decided 2 read all the comments that u freaks rote
say it again??
stacey w, Its funny how the others who know the twins at least have the intelligence to type so that at least everyone else can understand from this and after watching last nights prog you prob are the only person who does know tham as you cant string a proper sentence together!!!!
bedknobs - I knew people would think that when I first made the comment. When I got into work this morning, I was intrigued as to how the show had been reviewed in the national press (and to see what they had said about my family more than the issues the show the actually portrayed). I searched for the name of the documentary, and this discussion was the only page I found (within 2 pages of google results anyway) that had people discussing it. I signed up this morning, and offered my own perspective on it from my own view of inside the family.

I imagine other people have done the same. Friends of the twins will have searched online for the name of the show, and looked for where people have talked about it. In their case to say "We are their friends, the show got it all wrong and made them look bad" or me saying what I have said in the few posts I have made.

While I can't prove that I have links to the family without having Tom's birth certificate, I still think I have valid views on the subject even if I wasn't a member of the family.
oh im beginning to wish Id watched it now.

where is chesta? was it filmed in UK?

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