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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
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Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Morning slappers...oops, I mean flappers....haha

I could repeat exactly your last post Lottie, I don't know how I fitted everything in & now I can barely pay attention long enough to sew a rubber button back on me libby bod. When I had a baby & toddler I knitted & sewed for us & other people, read 4 library books a fortnight, did everything domestic including the garden & decorating, went to town by bus at least once a week...the list is endless. No wonder I'm krackered now.

That sounds like me too neti, my mum's neighbour let me use her treadle machine & I just couldn't get the rhythm right. I was too used to dancing & as soon as my feet moved I felt a compulsion to move the rest of my body, haha. It must be the same phenom...phonem...thing that makes you stick your tongue out when you're putting on mascara.
Morning Biddyfriends, I have just received a bl**dy great parcel from Readers Digest that I haven't ordered and they say thankyou for choosing the series of books and they will be forwarding the bill. Well I say bo****ks to that. I have emailed them and said will they arrange for collection and not to send me a bill or anything ever again.
Now that's over with I hope you are all ok today.My Mum and older sister were the 'seamstresses' in our family. In fact my sis has bought herself a super duper new machine after going, ago a few years, to the Craft Show in Birmingham. She always used to use, what would be called now, an old fashioned Singer. She made all the kids clothes etc. She's the sis that does tatting. Very 'crafty'.!! I did knit my motor biking son a jumper with YAMAHA on the back and FZR600 on the front so I could knit not too badly.
Going to meet a friend today for a bit of a snack she only has an hour for lunch so I will probably end up cooking myself a dinner later on. Murray plays today so that will take up 3 sets of tennis I hope. Anybody else interested in it or am I the only sports fanatic on here.Robi. As for my band of helpers.I don't think they are too interested in putting an Ikea table together. Also I'm a bit loathe to pay (they never do anything for nothing) out for something which would probably be quite simple to do, if I could just get my backside into gear and get cracking. I'm now blaming the weather and the tennis. I was just like you when I was younger Robi. Always doing something including reading, which I have really got out of doing. Even Steven King books, I have 2 on the go and can't remember when I last read either of them. Proabably forgotten what they're about and will have to start from the beginning.
I was an avid reader and would get totally immersed in a book and if anybody spoke to me they would have to give me a shove to get my attention.
Coffee time now Have a good day!
Had to cram that last post altogether because I had put too much on. so I had to take all the line spaces out. What a funny day I'm having :p
Oh don't you just love Reader's Digest...?! I don't even read their letters anymore, is it still Tom Champagne? I've still got my old (hand) Singer sewing machine. And yes, I've been enjoying the tennis, it's a welcome change that one Williams sister has been knocked out...could be a good day today.
I was going to wash my hair & go shopping this morning & I still haven't got a round tuit. I feel a bit spacey & disorientated'll be that hippy wafting his 'smoke' around.
Well, I might go out and try and get some Recaltricant Robi ;o)

I actually feel quite queezy this morning. I think it's the heat. Sort of sickly with a vague tummy ache and tired (which might be because I didn't go to bed until 3.00am and got up at 7.30 am!!)
mornin flipfloppers...
Did you get them books I sent you jude....! make sure you pay,its only 3/6d a fer ten years.:O)my dad stitched up me sister with needle and cotton when she hit her head on the iron bedstead when she was young.And the hospital said he done a brill job.but he wasnt a tailor.She wont let me tell her jokes no more incase she breaks out in sticthes..(:O)
<squirts Vinny with fire extinguisher> we'll have none of that wacky baccy in here today Vincent....

We have ways of making you behave Lottie... I feel more recumbent than recalcitrant today. :o)
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Possums, it's hot... don't know where I got the idea from it was gonna rain today. Jude when you've assembled that table could you come build me a balcony.

I almost fell over laughing at "I'm the original flapper" Vinny./ My dad was a surgeon of sorts too, he and his brother were fooling around (jokingly, so the story goes) with a knife and somehow their mother got in the way (silly woman, eh;-) and her arm was cut open so badly she had to have a blood transfusion. After that transfusion, her previous, severe skin condition healed completely never to recur.

I used to read all the time too, couldn't stop reading even in the bath tub, and now I just don't. It's a bit sad. I blame the computer (which I love so please don't blow up on me, dear puta). Here's a story I read online:
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When the late Arthur Koestler published The Roots of Coincidence, a study of curious synchronicities in time and place, he was bombarded by letters from people who had had similar experiences.

The most consistently coincidental of all probably came from Anthony S. Clancy of Dublin, who was born on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the century, which also happened to be the seventh day of the week. “I was the seventh child of a seventh child,” he wrote, “and I have seven brothers; that makes seven sevens.”

Actually, it makes eight sevens if one counts the number of letters in his first name, but to continue: On his twenty-seventh birthday, according to Clancy, he went to the track. The seventh numbered horse in the seventh race was named Seventh Heaven, and was handicapped seven stone. The odds against Seventh Heaven were seven-to-one, but Clancy bet seven shillings anyway.

Seventh Heaven finished seventh.
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ATTENTION POSSUMS! bigmamma birthday thread
lol Kit....a better day here today, last night was like a sauna. The dogs were convinced that there was something in the garden so we were up and down all night.
DH continues well touching wood...hope all the Biddies and their dear ones feel well too.
Very good Kit, I've got a thing about numbers...not OCD, lol, I just see patterns in my life. The blood/skin thing was strange wasn't it? Maybe the shock to her system re-adjusted something.
The book arrived! less than 24 hrs from ordering & I'd chosen the free delivery..brilliant service.

Hi woofy, maybe the lads got wind of strange aromas drifting across from the Wooly direction :o)

oh speaking of numbers I must do the lotto online...I washed my hair but I didn't go shopping
hello, that merciasounds is trying some regional cookery, and guess where she is now...

she's been there all week jno. Vinny's been teaching her how to stuff sprouts....
ATTN NETI! I don't know if there's any difference but that soap schedule page was updated yesterday
Some great tennis today btw...I can't say I'm surprised about Federer, I thought there was something about him that didn't look right from day one.
Thanks robi, I am desperate for an espisode of EE or 'tother!
Last night daughter decided to "!'ave it out with Gordon" so she spent hours enticing him with a mop but the little beggar clung on to that ceiling, until she bashed him and he fell ONTO MY BED!!!! daughter and I both screamed and \gordon ran under the bed and hasn't been seen since. So I am sitting here tentatively waiting for him to pop-up somewhere and dread it'll be by my headboard!!!

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