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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. I is again...I've got a provisional booking to go shopping with my sister but it's already pretty warm & we don't do extreme weather :o)

That's a lovely garden your bro's got shaney, I'm going to need my plants in pots if the hedge gets pulled out & boards put up. The birds will be miffed but I suppose it would halve the cost of trimming.

Well I did it again didn't I? Knocked a glass of water over at 11.30 last night...I'd put it at the bottom of the stairs to take up & whoosh, there it was gone & there stood I & watched as it seeped into the carpet, grrrrr. At least I missed my handbag this time :o) I'd only stayed up to watch Jon Ross because he had Robin Williams on & he'd cancelled out the bad mood I'd had earlier...hmmph, that didn't last long.
(I love that pic)

Hope everyone's as well as can be...

Morning all ~ Just some piccies of my very amateur gardening.
The trunk of the tree in the corner is a lilac tree planted by me about 40 years ago. It grew over and joined up with the other one I planted in the other corner so I trimmed it down and made a feature.( sounding like Alan Titchmarch or marsh!! )They are really big and give me privacy. Both double white and flower for only about 3 weeks a year.

I'm a dab hand at clumsiness Robi I whisked 3 eggs once in a dish and knocked it all over my work top. I proceeded to scoop it up as they were the last I had and made an omellette. Urgh!! I ate it though. :o) That was only a few weeks ago.
Lovely baby picture. Really cute.

Have a good weekend all ~ and keep your chin up Shaney.
Bye for now x
lovely garden pictures everyone. We've got a colourful corner going where one of the hedge plants died - it's looking just right at the moment but one of them is a mallow plant so I suppose in another couple of months it will have swamped everything else, and then a couple of months after that it will collapse and die of exhaustion. Mallow plants do not understand the concepts of restraint and energy conservation.
Morning all - lovely piccies of the gardens. Mind is all green and brown and WILD (as nature intended!!)

Very hot and sweaty here now, am off to the pool:

Come on Germany and España!!
Email for Miss Robinia!!!!
<oh heck, not more fashion advice I hope>
I didn't go shopping..... obviously. Don't think sis had enough spit for her mascara. Ladies finals it is then.
Germany v Argentina for me, that is, if child stops watching Jerry springer d'oh!!!!!
Oh, I forgot, can I just have a word about my mystery ailment No.2354 please? Does arthritis cause a rash round the affected joint? I've had a lot of pain in my wrists during this warm weather & I keep getting a sore, red rash on them. Not used anything different or touched anything that I can think of.
Eeeek! you'd better ring a bell when you are approaching!!!!

"Unclean, unclean....!"

No seriously, what on earth have you got, check on internet for guidance but don't have panic nattack if it describes something fatal!!!!
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Afternoon gardeners. I've spent some time in your havens, ladies, they are truly lovely - your bro's too Shaney. Shaney go to your garden and find peace there. I know you can't not worry but make sure you give yourself "moments" here and there during the day when everything inside you has the chance to go still. It will make a difference even if you can only keep it up for half a minute. /Pots are purdy, I'd have lots of those if I had a garden. Neat arrangement with the pots climbing up the trunk, Jude. Jude your avatar and mine go together well, did you notice they followed next to each other yesterday and they looked like they were planning a hoist together ha ha.

My sis P's dog - a herding breed - has been attacked by an attack dog next door, on their allotment, if that's the word - a small garden and a small house that is not your "real" house? (They have a garden where they "really" live too, they're garden freaks.) As they were leaving, this attack dog came shooting through the hedge and went for the jug. My bro-in-law was carrying a bag of empty tins, not much impact but he kept hitting the attack dog to sort of get in his way if nothing else, and my sis screamed her guts out till the dog owner came running and threw himself over his dog. The beast calmed down but when his owner eventually let go it had another go!! All ended well this time but sis' dog couldn't pee again until the middle of the night and he had the runs the next day:'( They are not nice people, the neighbours. Shout and swear at their children. camouflaged b-i-l and dog coupla years ago
Hello Darling Dimmocks
Lovely piccies Jude . Do you think we're all a bit potty .:)

Robinia it's funny you should say that .I've had these little blistery things come up on my hands on the backs and on the knuckles where they swell .They itch a bit .Medical mystery 2355.
Well it's tooter time again soon. I hope Germany wins or life will never be the same again :)

What a dear dog Kit . Such a lovely face .I hope he'll be Ok .
Yes an allotment .That's what we call them here but in your part of the world and also in Germany they are a bit more upmarket . Schreber garden style. .A friend of ours in Germany has one. Her "shed" is more like a swiss chalet :))

Thanks for all your kind words folks .I'm sure Mr S will be fine :)
Shaney I get them blister type things on my fingers in the heat. Specially on the knuckles. They itch slightly and when I bite them they hurt afterwards but then they go!

Also hope mr s and woofy's Dh are alright!
Bet it's bedlam in shaneytowers right now. Come on Germany!!!
Whoop. Whoop .
So ein Tag, so wunderschön wie heute, so ein Tag, der dürfte nie vergehn....
Happy men .Happy Shaney .Happy Frau Merkel .
I actually sat and watched it with them .Very exciting :))
oh no, shaney's gone over to the dark side :o)...I take it Germany has won? Happy day for Mr S!

For the first person to guess what I've done today!

I'm pleased Germany won for your men today Shaney. I didn't see it as I was doing something guess what!! ^^^ Yes I do think we're all a bitl potty as well :o)

It's been a lovely day here. I was going to watch the womens filnal (tennis) but didn't dozed off instead. I think it was pretty boring by the sound of it.
I've left Depp on until I can find something more 'me' as my avatar Kit. I've got his picture on my desk top. What am I like?! I wouldn't kick him out of (dare I say it) bed!

Right off to watch Spain in a mo so. Have a good night everybody.

P>S = Hope Mr W. is alright Woofy
See yer later 'gaters)
Lol...Four Nil .They're like little dogs with two tails .
I thought it was my duty to watch with them Robinia if only to monitor the beer intake :)
Been lovely here today too .Not so hot as yesterday thank goodness. Just right .

Ooh strawbs Jude ....rummages in fridge ....nope ....looks like I'll have to make do with a yogurt today .I'll put strawbs on zee list for tomorrow .

Yoohoo NETI ...Good luck Spain :))
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Congrats Mr S and sons:) and good luck Spain if you care Neti:)

Nooooo don't change your avatar Jude, he's lovely, I have a soft spot for him too:))) You heard about the lolcats, now introducing: The loldepps!

...and I'll have those strawberries and cream now please: Assembled the table!

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