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30 years of an audience with..............

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curlyperm11 | 22:50 Sat 07th Aug 2010 | TV
8 Answers
really enjoyed this ...... shirley bassey - fantastic!!!! Peter kaye? shut up and sod off home - its not all about you and you aint funny anymore!


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Has Peter Kaye ever been funny?
I think they could do a lot worse than full repeats of some of these shows. One or two are probably dated. But looking at the normal dross served up on saturday night. The weekend cries out for a good all round entertainment show as in big night out, London Palladium, Seaside special and not the wannabees of late (the moneygrabbers shows)
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totally agree - saturday is one of thee worst nights on telly - even John Bishop (who i liked) isnt funny now
So tell me a comedian funnier than Peter Kay then?
Oh God! Not 'Seaside Special'! No! Please! Oh, the embarrassment of it!

More of 'Live at the Apollo', please, with PK topping the bill.
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ok Joe - well its all down to personal preferences but : micheal mackintyre, jason manford, lee mack, john bishop,..............
Frankie Boyle :-)

Although I do think Peter Kay is very funny...
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i like frankie boyle too - blimey he takes no prisoners - i just think that peter kaye has had his day - one newspaper TV critic put it very well.............. he said 'Peter Kaye came out of Bolton, turned left and disappeared up his own backside' - i thought that a great way to put it

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30 years of an audience with..............

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