Motor Insurance Question. in The AnswerBank: Cars
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Motor Insurance Question.

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derekpara | 16:29 Sat 15th Aug 2020 | Cars
12 Answers
My son is a named driver on my car insurance which is just coming up for renewal. Recently he had the catalytic converter stolen from his own car whilst parked nearby. He obtained a crime number from the police and made a claim on his insurance for a reconditioned part to be fitted.

My question is, do I have to tell my insurance company of this claim or should I keep quiet ? Your views would be welcome.


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No. His car, his insurance.
What does your policy say? If it says accidents then you can ignore it. If it says claims made by anybody likely to drive the car you have to tell them.
Usually when you add a named driver you are asked if they have access to another car, if they have had any claims and/or convictions in the last two years. You must answer these questions truthfully. They may ask what the claim was for, and as it was for something stolen from the car, rather than an accident, I doubt your payments will go up. If you answer the questions fraudulently then they are more than likely to not cover your son if he attempts to make a claim in your car.
I've never been asked those questions. Only things about my own car.
OH is on my insurance and I had to answer those questions. He'd been done for speeding, which I had to declare but my payment was not affected. I suppose it depends on the insurance company, but its always better to answer the questions truthfully as they will wriggle out of anything they can given half the chance.
I've been asked that question and more. Has the named driver made any insurance claims in the last x number of years? Has the named driver had any motoring convictions in the last x years? Has the named driver been involved in a traffic accident in the last x years? Has the named driver ever been refused insurance? If the answer is 'yes' they want the details.
Seems fair enough to me.
Just tell them. If you didnt need to then no harm but if you did need to tell them but didnt big problem
My husband and I both have cars and are named drivers on each other’s insurance. My husband’s car was damaged while parked outside our house by a neighbour. The neighbour claimed on his insurance for the repairs to my husband’s car. When I came to renew my policy, I was charged extra to continue having my husband as a named driver. I argued that no claim had been made by my husband and he hadn’t even been in the car at the time but to no avail.
Milo at that point I would have said 'Bye Bye' and found a different Insurance company. I usually change mine every year unless the company I am with at the time can match a deal I've found on a comparison sight. Last year the Insurance company increased my payment by over £100 for the year - over 30% more. I did a comparison and then rang the Company to cancel -after a very short conversation they matched the deal.
I've been asked about named drivers convictions but not any damage done to their own car.
They don't ask about any damage done to the other persons car -they ask if the named driver has made an Insurance claim in the last two years. If someone bangs into you and their Insurance pays for your repairs you have not made a claim so don't have to declare it. A few years ago a driver banged into the side of my car while I was parked up on the side of the road. Her Insurance paid over £750 for the repairs to my car but I never made a claim on my Insurance so did not need to declare it.
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Thank you all. I'm going to err on the side of caution and tell my insurance company.


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