I have a fordson major and the lift arms woun't lift, all the linkages are connected including the interna linkages but cannot get the lift arm to lift, any ideas please
If i have a vehicle with 2 x 12 volt batteries wired in series to give 24 volts, and i wish to install a battery isolator switch, does it matter where it is installed. Either the negative battery...
Current pride and joy at sunny-dave towers is my Honda XL1000 Varadero - mainly for summer touring (although it does get the odd outing on sunny winter days) - North Wales & the Peak District are...
Greetings each. I just bought the van featured in the link below. http://www.ebay.co.uk...sid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I am puzzled by a fault which appears at around 20 miles from a start of a journey,...
chrome railings on the top deck front sides of double decker buses-some with just 1 railing- what are they for -is it tree protrection? (and why just 1 if tree protection?) Here is one with a single...
A friend of my sisters asked if he could keep a motorcycle in her shed for a while whilst he went abroad. That was 3 years ago and she has not heard from him since. She now wants rid of the vehicle...
Sorry if this question has been asked before but really need to know this quite soon. As some of you already know I have just got a white van and need to get insurance for it. I would like to know...
I have a lorry with 24v electrics - 2 x 12 volt batteries connected together - but because i dont use it very frequently, the tacho drains the batteries over a period of time. I was considering...
I am about to buy a white van from a friend of a friend, which is a bargain, so I am told. It is a 2006 Ford Fiesta van with 1400 diesel engine and 103,000 miles on the clock. I have a few questions...
My 81-year-old mother likes travelling by coach, but changes are a little difficult for her. Is there any way of finding out (and e-mailing them directly produced only a 'this is how you book a...
hi, ive seen the ideal vehicle for me, however its a 7.5t mitsubishi. could this vehicle be downsized so i dont have to bother with a OL or 6 weekly inspections?
I previously had a 7490Kg lorry, taxed as a private HGV, that I used for transporting my own vehicles to vintage shows. As the lorry was over 15 years old I obtained vintage insurance for the lorry as...
My son has the a/m mike, but it has been sitting in the garage for nearly 2 years. He now wants to sell it, but, not surprisingly it wont start. Does anyone know where the battery is located and how...
Morning! I wondered if anyone would be willing to share their top tips for staying cool while out on a hot day on their motorbike. I'd also like to hear about any strange myths you've ever heard about...
I have never taken my bike on a ferry before. How are they secured (my bike doesn't have a centre stand)? If they're tied down, does the ferry company supply the ties?
Not sure if this is the right area for this question, but will ask it anyway. In many large stations and airports there are often little electric trucks with trailers behind for passengers and...