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How Safe Are They?

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TWR | 10:27 Sat 27th Apr 2013 | Motoring
54 Answers
Britain's Motorways,


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Let's not be ageist here, everyone has a right to be on the road within reason. :)
I was on the motorway recently I must of been doing nearly 70 keeping up with the traffic and had an Hgv up my backside just glad I didn't have to slam my brakes on for any reason or I wouldn't have stood a chance why can't they just back off a bit
Jeezo fruitsalad, take a breath.

The motorways are as safe as they can be with thousands of tons of metal, containing gallons of highly flammable liquid, all hurtling about at great speed and in some cases being piloted by cretins who aren't fit to be left in charge of a slow cooker.
piloted by cretins who aren't fit to be left in charge of a slow cooker.

LOL, brilliant,douglas.

Slow Cookers,
Warning, this may contain HOT liquids,
They can be dangerous too!
I find motorways very safe, the biggest problem for me is the boredom of driving on them.
Yes, especially at night, RATTER.
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Fruit, Think about your answer 70mph & a HGV up your back side???? HGVs are Governed to 56MPH so that's correct, do you acutly mean you were doing 40mph ( On the Motorway) lol

How can you be bored with all those nutters in HGVs trying to ruin your day?
With me, it is not so much the motorways themselves as the on ramps (often off very confusing roundabout systems). When you come down the on ramp and can't see it a gap it is a nightmare!
Can't remember last time I saw an HGV limited to 56mph, especially not the foreign ones, and you yourself TWR, have said in the past how easy it is to take the limiter off.
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That was in the past Baldric, they are Wire Sealed on the Diesel Pump now, also If stopped & your taco shows from your last weeks cards that you have been speeding "You can get done" It's the only job in the Country that you can get done for driving a couple of Mins over your driving time, I'm glad I'm out of the rat race. How do you go on with the M23 / 25 / 2, in your area?
twr, don't forget hgvs from pre '94 still aren't limited, nor is anything under 7.5 tonnes
Not problems, apart from the HGV that tail-ended me and wrote off a Passat Estate a while back, when whitevanman in front of me fell asleep at 75mph, I slowed in time, HGV didn't, and he'd been doing 75 behind me. (French)
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The speed limit is still 56mph Humber, been there seen the video I'm afraid to say.
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He / she must have taken the "Seal off" Baldric, I presume the driver will have been done quite a lot for that.
In theory, motorway driving should be the safest! but unfortunately its full of numpties.......the usual prats who seem to think its ok just to sit in the middle lane when the inner lane is empty and people who refer to the outer lane as the fast lane....its not a fast lane its an overtaking lane! .
imo i think it should be included when you learn to drive, ludicrous that a learner driver in the morning can't go on a motorway or ever been on one, pass there test and the very same day be allowed to go on one without any further instruction!
not arguing with you twr, just saying it's quite possible fruitsalad had that experience

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There is one that can beat that MR, learn to drive an Empty Artic in week, pass your test on a Frid, drive a 44 tonne on a Monday, has that for stupidity? Did you see that in Last weeks Mirror, an Artic with a Curtain Sided Trailer that hit a low bridge? thats what some of these comp employ now. You will see some of the Glory Boys Driving for Stobarts.

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