Hire Purchase in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Hire Purchase

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foodluva | 16:54 Sat 09th Nov 2013 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
Do hire purchase agreements show up on a credit profile? Car dealer says no and that it therefore doesn't need declared on a mortgage application but financial advisor says yes. I can't see any evidence of my HP agreement on my credit profile so who is right???
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A mortgage application requires that you fully divulge all of your regular financial commitments (which would include any HP repayments). It's irrelevant as to whether such an agreement shows up on a credit reference check or not; failure to disclose it would be a criminal offence under Section 3 of the Fraud Act 2006.
I read this and I couldn't believe you had to ask when the choice was a CAR DEALER trying to sell you a car and a financial advisor. Just saying.
Yes they do show up, it's a credit agreement.However what shows up is not related to your declaration on a mortgage application, just ask Peter Mandelson.
err, trust the financial adviser and if it's counting as money your spending then hell yes the mortgage provider wants to know.
Yes, absolutely - it's a credit arrangement and therefore affects your credit score.

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