My car is making a squeaky noise. I don't know how else to describe it. Its really loud. Something to do with the fan belt perhaps??
Anyway just wanted to know if anyone knew what it was so i didn't look like a complete tool when i go into the garage. Also i really don't feel like being ripped off so if anyone knows how much it costs to fix a problem like this that would be great!
If it squeals when you rev up and are stationary it's prob fan belt or water pump. One trick I was told about many years ago is to put some brake fluid in the radiator, and being a soluble lubricant will stop a water pump squeal. This is only for confirm that it is the water pump, it does not solve the problem.
When this happened with me once a mechanic told me to squirt WD40 on the top fan belt pulley with the engine running. (Not too much). It worked. More knowledgeable people on here could say that this could cause the fan belt to slip but in my case it didn't and the problem was solved.
My guess is that it's your fan belt. I've changed them several times and it is not a difficult job on most cars.
Change the belt, regard the brake fluid, I do not think I would go down the Ave for fear of ruining the seals / rubber hoses. ask someone to get hold of the water pump and see if there is play in the Item ( Do this with the engine switched off, of course)