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Mid Lane Hoggers reaction....

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Nosha123 | 13:32 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | Motoring
84 Answers
On my way home last night.. a woman was driving along in the middle lane.. overtaking nothing...

I drove up behind her in the middle lane.... and flashed at her to 'KINDLY PULL OVER cos you are in the overtaking lane and overtaking nuffin'....

She looked in her mirror at me.. waved her arms about - and stayed put!!!

WHAT ON EARTH did she mean by waving her arms at me eh???

She really obviously thought she was perfectly right to be in that lane!!!

Dont you sometimes wish you were an unmarked cop car!!!!


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Are some of the courses R1 as done because he had to?
actually i agree with geezer, in theory - but its open to interpretation - its states move back to the left - when safe - this doesnt mean move back the second there is a car sized gap in the means when you are clear of the 'obstacles'...and this may be an 'obstacle' consisting of half a miles worth of arctic lorries...the point is, its when YOU feel safe and right to do so...not when everyone else thinks you should.
you do not have to take up every single gap in the traffic...just the ones you FEEL SAFE getting into.

people who are taking the highway code absolutely to the letter can be worse that others...

it is dangerous to weave in and out of traffic at every opportunity, whatver the highway code states

it is also NOT overtaking if you are merely moving faster than the traffic on your right - only a fool would think you have to dawdle in the left lane for fear of passing other traffic...
it is passing, not overtaking.

overtaking is a deliberate manouvre that involves changing lanes, passing a car then changing back to the orginal lane..

why is this exact same debate had every few weeks? geezer is right when he points out the dangers of this behaviour - regardless of the wording of the highway code.
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jUst catching up with this all!!!

I flashed at her not to indicate my aggression.. but to try to waker her up to the fact she was clearly oblivious of her surroundings and not paying attention to the highway code... flashing is not always aggressive... and nor was I driving so...
HOWEVER... should she continue her driving oblivious to her wrong doing then everyone else is forced into the right hand lane to overtake her - thus causing potential for an accident...
The highway code is correct and she should not have been there were she not overtaking another vehicle...
It makes me cross when I see SOOO many people pootling along in the middle lane and they are oblivious to what is going on and almost on autopilot
Joko, exactly, thanks finally someone sees!
what speed were you and her doing Nosha?
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to add to this... .the day before....
two lanes approaching a roundabout - me in right hand lane going straight on woman in left hand lane doing the same.. expect that she decided to go straight - around the roundabout.. hence moving from the left lane (as approaching) to the right lane (on the roundabout) to the left lane (exiting)... Only problem was she didnt use her mirrors or spot that I WAS IN THE RIGHT HAND LANE...

I flashed her too - this time to raise her attention to my presence (I could have beeped but felt this was not necessary as I had been half expecting it anyway and so had hung back slightly and no evasive action was taken)

She didnt even notice my flashing lights and carried on her way - oblivious to the potential danger of her manouvre!!!
why would overtaking in the right hand lane cause an accident?
lots of people drive in that lane and dont cause an accident..?

regardless of what she is doing, it is not your place to 'police' other drivers...and in this case - you were in fact more in danger of causing an accident by flashing other the hell would she have known your 'intentions' ? you have already admitted you were angry so i very much doubt you meant it as a 'friendly warning'

fact is, she was just driving along..the road was largely clear - and therefore she was causing no danger to anyone

you were the dangerous one by intimidating behaviour...
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To JOKO and Geezer..

"actually i agree with geezer, in theory - but its open to interpretation - its states move back to the left - when safe - this doesnt mean move back the second there is a car sized gap in the traffic"

The gap was about.. ooh.. let me estimate.. half a mile long.... perhaps considered safe enough to move out of the overtaking lane.. gap behind her - nothing in left hand lane infront of her... She just wasnt paying attention!

Speed wise - I was doing about 75mph.... she was going about 65 I would say...

Go on- berrate me for speeding!
Question Author
"why would overtaking in the right hand lane cause an accident?
lots of people drive in that lane and dont cause an accident..? "

Because the left hand lane more often than not in these types of circumstances is empty.. say the mid lane hogger is doing 65mph... other traffic is going faster and wanting to pass - so you get a queue building up behind the mid lane hogger.. with people trying to pull out into fast lane which is already building up due to those cars overtaking middle lane...
Results in all cars trying to get past the one holding everyone up - and people risk pulling out into gaps that are too small just out of sheer frustration..

Are you telling me you have NEVER seen this happen?
Fact is..."fact is, she was just driving along" yes.. oblivious to her road position and vehicles approaching and passing.....
So why wasn't you in the left hand lane?
nosha, you misunderstand - that comment about moving back to the left when safe, was meant in general regarding geezers comments, nothing to do with your case
(this debate has been going for ages)
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When someone flashes to let you pull out of a junction - do you deem this 'flash' to be intimidation?
No.. you dont...

If someone BEEPS their horn to warn you of their presence - do you feel intimidated?

People should pay more attention to their surroundings when driving a vehicle at those speeds.. or at any speed for that matter!
you should have gone past on the right, you just went out of your way to flash someone because of some mis guided mantra about the middle lane. In fact 10mph faster you presumably had to brake to avoid a rear end so in your world you prefer to brake and flash someone rather than overtaking correctly, i know what is the most dangerous here. I do agree that 65 is a bit slow to be in the middle lane but that does not excuse your actions.
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Sorry if I misunderstood that then Joko

to Umm.. I was in the left hand lane.. and as I approached her - I cannot legally undertake her.. so I indicate and pull into middle lane.. I pause there - in the hope she might be using her mirrors to see if she pulls in and she doesnt...

Another car approaching behind undertakes us both.. and a car overtakes us both....
I then flash her..

I then overtake her.. and pass back to left hand lane
thats the point other drivers are impatient and take foolish risks then THEY will cause and accident - not her

i agree she really should have been in the left hand lane if it was empty - but in this instance YOUR behaviour of going up behind herand intimidating her to get her to move - FOR NO REASON AS YOUR WAY WAS CLEAR - was a lot worse than hers...
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to Geezer..
"In fact 10mph faster you presumably had to brake to avoid a rear end so in your world you prefer to brake and flash someone rather than overtaking correctly,"

Would depend on how far I was from the vehicle in front though eh! I'm not going to rear end anyone by driving 10mph faster than then if I am a safe distance behind...
Dont interpret my original post as me 'sitting in her tail gate' and flashing.. I was approaching her.. and flashed to merely point out she was pootling in the wrong land and already forcing other cars to make even more dangerous manourvres could have legally stayed in the left hand lane and over took her.

It would be illegal to move into the left hand lane to overtake her and then move back to the middle lane.

How do motorists not know this?
" - I was in the left hand lane.. and as I approached her - I cannot legally undertake her" right firstly overtaking on the left is not undertaking that is an entirely different manoevre. Secondly passing on the left without changing lane or speed is allowed, you do not have to go long way round, as stated above.
well then you misunderstand the are perfectly entitled to drive at the speed limit on the left and PASS traffic on the right if its going slower...that is not undertaking!.

you have not deliberately changed lanes and then changed back again when past in order to get past her - that is undertaking

perhaps rather than berating this woman for lane discipline you should learn it yourself.
Yeah need to read up on road rules. I wonder how many people do this?

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