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Sounds of the Sixties.

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HowardKennitby | 21:56 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | Music
26 Answers
Listened to this earlier tonight on 'Yesterday'.
One of the groups featured was 'The Move'. Does anyone know what Roy Wood is doing these days?


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Add in John Entwistle and you have an unusual thing; a rhythm section that didn't just keep the beat but actually played a version of the music that could stand-alone.

It provided Daltrey and Townsend with an unequalled platform to add their parts to.
Agree about Keith Moon but others including the Jazz drummers, Alan Ganley, Kenny John and of course Buddy Rich who was recently lauded as the best of all. I didn't quite believe it until I saw him on YouTube and it's hard to disagree.
p.s. Amazing how this thread got on to drummers?
None of the drummers mentioned come anywhere near the great John Bonham!!!
Except for Buddy Rich...doh...
Why no mention of Gene Krupa?

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Sounds of the Sixties.

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