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A Delight

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vetuste_ennemi | 08:52 Tue 04th Jun 2019 | Music
46 Answers
A delight from a composer I've not heard of. The most beautiful instrument, apart from the human voice, is the violin. Or, in this case, the cello.



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Khandro - // Because so much accomplishment and loveliness, simply can't evaporate with the death of one person. //

The subjectivity of one human is no match for the utter objectivity of nature - beautiful things - far more beautiful than any one woman, however talented, die every day, and they are un-noticed and un-mourned.

I think you are getting misty-eyed over physical attraction - not something your God would approve of I think.

Better get back to flagellating yourself over how awful it is that the rest of the world doesn't think of your God the way you do - to their eternal loss of course.
a-h; Why so aggressive? you asked for an explanation of what I believe, and it is in no way a challenge to whatever you think, just a simple statement of what you asked of me which I gave you the courtesy to answer.
Why can't it evaporate, khandro? X
Khandro - // a-h; Why so aggressive? you asked for an explanation of what I believe, and it is in no way a challenge to whatever you think, just a simple statement of what you asked of me which I gave you the courtesy to answer. //

If you think this is me being 'aggressive', then you don't know me very well.

As an atheist, you have been 'challenging' me with virtually every post you have written since you joined the site.

If you want to toughen up a little and simply answer the point I made, we can have a discussion, if you want to retire on your sensitivity, be my guest.
pixie; As you have sent me a kiss, and as it's such a vast question, I'll give it the attention it deserves, there are several interpretation here, some I lean towards, but nothing I would want to get into a heated argument about;
Andy-Hughes, are you sure you are the right kind of person to be an AB moderator?
Khandro - // … but nothing I would want to get into a heated argument about; //

Fair enough - but does not every one of these notions spring from the same psychological need - the comfort of believing that death is not the end?

That has been the comfort for many believers in many faiths for eons - including yourself I am sure.
Khandro - // Andy-Hughes, are you sure you are the right kind of person to be an AB moderator? //

Quite sure thank you - and as long as the Editorial Team think so as well, I am likely to remain so.

I have pointed out many times, but will again -

Being a Moderator is not the equivalent of being Pontius Pilate, we are as entitled to post our views and opinions as anyone else, and moderation is carried out objectively, and is not connected to personal attitudes.

Any Moderator who demonstrates an inability to be impartial when moderating would soon be relieved of their responsibilities.

If you think my post is objectionable, by all means report it - I am subject to the same rules as everyone else on here.
Thanks khandro, I just don't see why there has to be a deeper meaning to birth or death than we already know about. It seems like wishful thinking, rather than proven.
Thanks to technology her music, a product of her innate talent, hasn't evaporated. She, however, has.
So did I Ael.
Oh Dear
I thought I loved classical music but maybe I no longer have a soul. I listened to the first two minutes and gave up. I found the piano accompaniment particularly monotonous. I suppose my taste for Wagner may explain it.
Could well be, Retrocop. Not a lot of difference between the two! ;o)
Music stopped with the death of Wolfgang.
Noooooo! What about Puccini?
Is that a designer coffee?
Sassenach! ;o)
Yes, Shoota!
shoota - // Music stopped with the death of Wolfgang. //

Clearly it did not.

You could argue that music of merit stopped with the death of Mozart, but that is not the same as saying that music stopped, which is a nonsense.
Question Author
Apologies to Retrocop for having bored him.

May I make amends, Retro, by reminding you of this beautiful song:

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