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A Delight

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vetuste_ennemi | 08:52 Tue 04th Jun 2019 | Music
46 Answers
A delight from a composer I've not heard of. The most beautiful instrument, apart from the human voice, is the violin. Or, in this case, the cello.



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I'd have to argue that it is actually the electric guitar.

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Stabat mater. Dear me, Mamya, asserting your religious beliefs. Next year that will be hate speech.
I'll get it removed if it bothers you.
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Why do you think your citing the stabat mater bothers[i me, Mamya?

I am an atheist, but I am a [i]Christian] atheist.

That means that you and I have far more in common with each other than either one of us does with two million of our fellow Muslim citizens.

PS: why two rather than four which is the UK's Muslim population? Well, it's the Arab Spring percentage. Egypt. Get rid of Mubarak. Free elections. Morsi democratically elected (big support by Muslim Brotherhood). Hang about. New government is introducing sharia, but rather more than half the largely Muslim electorate doesn't want sharia forced down its throat. Largely Muslim protesters force replacement of sharia nutcase with Sisi who's Muslim but not a nutter.
My God!, VE's morphed into PP.
and there was me thinking it was a thread about beautiful music ..
vetuste - // Why do you think your citing the stabat mater bothers[i me, Mamya?

I am an atheist, but I am a [i]Christian] atheist.

That means that you and I have far more in common with each other than either one of us does with two million of our fellow Muslim citizens.

PS: why two rather than four which is the UK's Muslim population? Well, it's the Arab Spring percentage. Egypt. Get rid of Mubarak. Free elections. Morsi democratically elected (big support by Muslim Brotherhood). Hang about. New government is introducing sharia, but rather more than half the largely Muslim electorate doesn't want sharia forced down its throat. Largely Muslim protesters force replacement of sharia nutcase with Sisi who's Muslim but not a nutter. //

What on earth are you banging on about?????

Are you keen to de-rail your own thread only five posts in?
Not heard of the composer? Obviously not a Classic FM listener...they played it ad nauseam some time everything else on that station, done to death.

We had this version played at our wedding during the register signing, etc., so for me, it will always bee the superior version. :o)
AH, see post at 13,33
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//My God!, VE's morphed into PP//

A consummation devoutly to be wished, Danny.

Back on trend given aelmpvw'strictures may I offer this piece of delight with a rather tragic history:

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That's not working. Is this?

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A beautiful piece of music played by a beautiful young woman, JackTheHat. Thank you for sharing that version.

Fancy a coup de Offenbach v-e ?

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There was a biopic of Jacqueline du Pré some years ago now.
Anybody remember it?
This is one of my favourites:-
v-e; It was her death in 1987 that made me believe in rebirth. She's buried in Golders Green Jewish Cemetery, if you're ever passing that way please drop in a flower for me.
Khandro - // v-e; It was her death in 1987 that made me believe in rebirth … //

Since this thread is weaving all over the place, OK, I'll bite - why?
Because so much accomplishment and loveliness, simply can't evaporate with the death of one person.
I'm talking the Buddhist view of rebirth which has nothing to do with reincarnation btw.

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