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A Delight

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vetuste_ennemi | 08:52 Tue 04th Jun 2019 | Music
46 Answers
A delight from a composer I've not heard of. The most beautiful instrument, apart from the human voice, is the violin. Or, in this case, the cello.



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I love the Cello, and that was quite beautiful VE.
I think Khandro is trying to say that some seemingly unconnected things, some things which one would not expect, can offer epiphanies to us. I've had that sort of thing- not at all sure that any conclusion I drew from them have any validity to anyone except myself, but I think I understand what he's trying to say.
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Khandro is an artist, CalicoGirl. Like yourself.

Heightened perceptions which we more run-of-the-mill types aren't always able to grasp.
//Heightened perceptions which we more run-of-the-mill types aren't always able to grasp. //

Hmmm.... I think we do .... we just go one step further and examine them a little more. ;o)
I see the holiday has done nothing to dispel the insufferable silliness and patronising. Sleep well.
A curious response to a valid contribution.

Night night, Calicogirl. A better day for you tomorrow hopefully.

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A Delight

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