ChatterBank5 mins ago
Music That Hurts
I’ve what I think is described as an ear worm - a tune running constantly through my mind. It’s the theme from
the 1971 film of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre starring Susannah York and George C Scott. Magnificent stuff made all the more magnificent by the beautiful and powerfully haunting orchestral piece from the genius of John Williams. Does anyone know what I mean when I say so emotional is this piece of music that it actually physically hurts me?
I asked my husband if music ever physically hurts him. He said he finds Ed Sheeran painful. Smartass! :o)
the 1971 film of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre starring Susannah York and George C Scott. Magnificent stuff made all the more magnificent by the beautiful and powerfully haunting orchestral piece from the genius of John Williams. Does anyone know what I mean when I say so emotional is this piece of music that it actually physically hurts me?
I asked my husband if music ever physically hurts him. He said he finds Ed Sheeran painful. Smartass! :o)
This... Brahms Piano trio no.1 Just the first few eyes hurt and my heart aches and I feel the emotion of it very intensely. Still the same over 40+ years hearing it.
18:35 Wed 30th Nov 2022
I have checked 3 of my favourite film themes naomi and I will settle for John Barry. This one is totally enveloping, hopeful, soaring, romantic and a beautifully maintained piece. Typically Barry, it even starts to suggest Bond music.
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