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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
Donald Trump's family confirmed that a house of the father's had been raided by FBI agents searching for retained White House papers. https:/ /www.ny times.c om/live /2022/0 8/08/us /trump- fbi-rai d The law...
At Saky
https:/ /www.ky ivpost. com/rus sias-wa r/break ing-ukr ainians -strike -russia n-milit ary-air base-in -crimea .html
Answers on a postcard...
https:/ /uk.new s.yahoo .com/po lice-ki ll-aggr essive- dog-bit es-0806 54897.h tml
A number of dog attacks in recent months have led to serious injuries or death for young children....
As Rome remains ablaze metaphorically of course). https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/b oris-jo hnson-w ill-not -interv ene-in- cost-of -living -crisis -as-tha t-is-fo r-futur e-prime -minist er-1266 8434 Even the CBI want...
https:/ /www.st andard. co.uk/n ews/lon don/ani mal-reb ellion- harrods -vegan- activis ts-oxfo rd-stre et-b101 5325.ht ml No doubt they’ll get a soft warning and be free to carry on, this is a protest for milking...
COB's off on one again
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-1 1098457 /Fury-J eremy-C orbyn-s ays-Nic ola-Stu rgeon-R IGHT-de mand-ne w-Scott ish-ind ependen ce-vote .html...
I think there will be demonstrations but I have no doubt they will be hijacked by the far left anarchist rent a mob which will lead to violence....
Mobile phone roaming charges Martin Lewis, of MoneySavingExpert, says: 'I've no faith in mobile firms to self-regulate. When we left the EU, they promised not to reintroduce European roaming charges,...
...be offered polio vaccine?
Would be interested to know if the 'windfall' tax imposed on energy companies equates to the amount already expended by the UK government to help taxpayers, whether there is a shortfall or whether the...
Wanna laugh?;
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=PdS z6wkJo0 4...
We look set to beat last years appalling total of 28,000+ Government policy is failing (has been for 3 years). Yet the minister over seeing this debacle keeps her job. Is this problem really...
Uh oh …
https:/ /metro. co.uk/2 022/08/ 09/twit ter-dow n-acros s-europ e-and-t he-us-1 7156514 /#metro -commen ts-cont ainer...
Not a war torn country and mostly young men so why are we accommodating them? given they could apply for a Visa to come in legally if they wanted to! They should be sent back immediately yet they...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/e nergy-b ills-fo recast- to-rise -even-h igher-t han-pre viously -though t-12668 906 average household energy bills are expected to hit more than £4200 a year... many people simply...
Heartbreaking for her family. RIP little one https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/u k-engla nd-lond on-6246 2955 Residents were complaining of gas smells but seems like a lack of action by the gas firm has resulted...
According to new research by the Post Office, in an effort to keep tighter control of their spending people are turning back to cash which seems a good idea to me. Plastic is all too easy to spend....
https:/ /www.da ilyreco rd.co.u k/news/ scottis h-news/ scots-w oman-wh o-kille d-love- 2768488 4 Not much equality here - seems that being young, female and attractive acts as a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card, even...
…to get their hands dirty in order to help out. https:/ /www.bb c.com/n ews/bus iness-6 2460882 Ordinarily there’s no doubt that most senior executives would positively balk at the idea but given that...
No, it wasn't.
https:/ /www.ms n.com/e n-gb/ne ws/ukne ws/it-w as-like -a-tsun ami-bur st-wate r-main- causes- 4ft-flo od-in-l ondon/a r-AA10q V4d?oci d=msedg dhp& ;pc=U53 1&c vid=f0d a2779e5 6b4dd9b 9493e32 7e5559c 4...