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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
From Nicola Sturgeon today: Some positive news - initial supplies of the Covid vaccine have now arrived safely in Scotland and are being stored securely. The first vaccinations are on track to be...
what he should be thinking. Piers said: "I'm honestly staggered that you as a black man in our government would say that." The MP hit back: "You want to tell me how to react to something as a black...
Not charged, so lets get that straight, but allegedly held on suspicion of witness intimidation. There seems to be quite an operation going on here. I wonder if they (plod) will extend it to other...
i find this rather disgusting, it's an insult to the british tax payers...
A Survey commisioned by Channel 4 News,says the Cons would now lose almost all of the Northern seats they gained in 2019, if the there was a snap election now . And will certainly lose them at the...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55175162 ( if there's already been a thread on this, I haven't seen it) We are the best, we've always been the best and we will continue to be the best Rule...
Just watched an item on BBC about a pastor giving out food to residents in Burnley and was very shocked to see a young couple that I know (well the chap not the girl) taking food - shocked as I know...
No - really ....
I see piers Corbyn(brother of Old Steptoe,the old scarecrow,magic granddad)has been found guilty of breaking lockdown regulations.Looks like both brothers are a pair of nutjobs.I wonder if Piers is...
Picking numbers out of thin air .just been on news saying he's ordered 350 million doses of vaccine...well seeing as there's only roughly 60 million people in the uk even having the 2 doses each ( and...
To be able to pay that sort of money Arcadia would have had to be profitable, where did the money come from... contributions payments that should have gone to to the pension fund? Deferred payments to...