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Maggie thatcher

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tinkerbell23 | 23:18 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Current Affairs
135 Answers
Is there already a thread re: state funeral been made today i can read!?



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They'd be as well to chuck her on a rubbish dump, like she did with the majority of British industry.
I'm with paddywak. A disaster for Britain.
Think I read one yesterday?
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Well paddy you know this is up my street at present!

Surprised not to find a thread so far!!

I know many who feel the same....(wheres markrae) haha x
well said paddywak
I think you already know my views on Thatcher, tinks...
I saw something (somewhere) about this - I am not a news person (is she actually dead?)
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Aaah mark ive been expecting you!!

So any links to a thread about proposed state funeral!?

I dont want to be getting a row for doing a doubler!

And if not....thoughts please? X
Has she died then?
When the remains of a great man, Churchill, passed along the Thames on a barge, the dock workers, as a spontaneous mark of respect, dipped the jibs of the cranes.
When Thatchers passes Canary Wharf will the spivs dim the lights as a mark of respect for one of their own?
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Nooo sherr

Theres talk of a state funeral when she dies and i think some ppl arent too happy paying for her funeral from taxes x
Well I admired her, (she said timidly).
Well tink you won't get much sympathy for Maggie in the mining areas.
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i hear some have planned a street party
Just put Elvis Costello in charge of any funeral arrangements :-)
My grandad would spin in his grave (as children the only time he swore was when someone mentioned her name and he'd say 'bastard' - he was a born and bred South Wales miner).
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Not much where im from paddy x
Churchill was given a state funeral for leading the country to victory in the second world war. Thatcher did more to ruin the country than any other figure in its history. The thought that she deserves a state funeral because her achievements were similar to those of Churchill's is beyond belief...
She's approved plans for her funeral ..mind you this is The Daily Wail .

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