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Maggie thatcher

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tinkerbell23 | 23:18 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Current Affairs
135 Answers
Is there already a thread re: state funeral been made today i can read!?



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Wonderful woman..............I certainly have no objection to her having a state funeral.
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credit her *ankers with giving this nation an uphill struggle
So you think that someone who refused to annul Mugabes election is a wonderful woman ?
She was in charge during those elections from the transition from Rhodesia .
People were intimidated into voting for that despot and she did nothing about it .
She sold off council houses, good for those that got 'em cheap..........but bugger those that need one now. Horrid PM (that she is a woman is irrelevant)
Thatcher made a right mess of things, I don't want to her get a state funeral!...
My Grandad loved her....
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Ill have to keep swatting up however so far do not think she deserves a stte funeral....enough taxes wasted

And she seems like a bit of a moo x
I haven't read all of this thread. I thought Maggie was a great leader. Those who say she killed the mines should be looking at Scargill not Thatcher.
Scargill is marginally second in my list of people who ruined the country...
Having only scanned this thread Mark, I thought all northerners were labour. Well not all but most.
I'm not labour mic.................
she was the worst thing that happened to great britain,why the debate over a state funeral for her??...she is an ex prime minister that is all...
I'm neither a northerner or labour craft. Mrs MM is a Yorkie but never a labour always a Tory. We lived in London during the 80's strike. Miners were collecting money outside of supermarkets. When I went to put money in the bucket she said only put copper in £ and silver will be creamed off.
Thatcher killed off industrial britain.
She should have had a state execution.
She wasn't the worst thing that ever happen...according to some :-)
I remember the miners' strike very well brother-in-law was a policeman on the picket lines and my sister was worried sick about him. I was threatened with violence when I refused to put money in the bucket.
Some people like simon cowell.But hes still a dick.
23 - whilst initially i'll bet being female got some blokes backs up and right from the start nothing she did would have made them like her for that reason alone, theres no getting away from what she did.

if she had been an amazing woman who made this country into a happy, prosperous and proud place and was well loved by the nation - and some still hated her, then i would agree with you... but there are a great many genuine reasons to hate her...her sex is the least of them
It shows we are all different. I liked Maggie, she showed the unions do not and should not rule this country. As I hope Cameron will do the same. I lost my final salary pension several years ago, it cost me money,why should the civil service be exempt.
I wonder how many people who were given the right to buy their council house hate her.

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