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You see Prudie thats what people get called ( nasty) when its something they don't want to hear at any cost, if it upsets their own plans. Now when you talk of percentages, what ever percentage it may be, it is something we can alter right now, today, reduce flying, but if you would care to swap that, and have your heating boiler switched off instead over winter, or have your flight? well thats difficult to choose from, or is it? but I'm afraid like it or not these are the choices we are going to have to make. At the moment people who have gone on holidays to the fire stricken areas, are not running to the beach to have fun, they are running for their lives, because it a lot of cases its the only place to run to stand a chance of stopping alive, and thats only if they can still manage to get oxygen down their lungs, due to the smog and smoke.