What Planet These People On in The AnswerBank: Current Affairs
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What Planet These People On

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teacake44 | 12:04 Sun 08th Aug 2021 | Current Affairs
108 Answers
Yet again we have another country burning to the ground.,And yet still we have people complaining they are not able to get on a polluting plane to go on their so called well earned holiday abroad. Incredible greed and selfishness.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes indeed. First world problems. Incidentally I wld love to get on a plane but mine wld be to see family on another continent. It’s been 2.5 years and I was supposed to fly there last March when lockdown hit. My parents are elderly and my mum has been dx with cancer. But South Africa is still on the “red” list. So in my case I believe hopping in a plane is a good reason -...
16:31 Sun 08th Aug 2021
Do you think people should stop going abroad, teacake?
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Well lets put it like this, there won't be anywhere to go in the future for us, or our children/ grand children unless we do something about the situation right now.
TC, which country is burning to the ground?
I was looking at another forum where someone suggests that only a total ban on fossil fuels (starting NOW) and massive investment in CO2 removal (via re-forestation etc.) will halt global warming. This would effectively put us back to a pre-industrial age but with the benefits of modern technology regarding renewables etc. The biggest impact would be on the movement of people and goods.
er Greece?
Better tell China, Teacake, because until countries like that sit up and take notice, we're flogging a dead horse.
Posted by someone who has no doubt had their fair share of foreign holidays and now prefers to swan about the UK in their gas guzzling, motorised tin can.
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Ha ha danny, your answer is the big part of the problem we have. Its not happening in my back yard so everything is fine? and I've not heard of any problems, off I go on holidays. See if you can find out???
Thank you Dave.
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sherrardk try and come up with a different answer, you've gave the same response a week ago, and I gave you an answer, be a bit more inventive.
TC, no need for the flippancy, and for your information, as I am housebound, I don't go off on holidays.Iyt was agenuine question which was answered by Dave who has more manners than you.
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Two wrongs make a right then naomi? we can't carry on making that excuse.
Are you selling the camper van then tc?
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Who said you did go on holiday, you've always appeared to know day by day whats been happening here, and the rest of the world. may be you were being sarcastic towards my op knowing full well what country is now burning.
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Ryzen no why would I do that and add to the polluting aircraft, everyone is being asked to reduce their travel/ plane travel, I've done that. But really there's a little sour grapes going on here me thinks. :0)
TC, I was not being sarcastic.
I can’t wait to go on holiday after it being cancelled as many time !
TC, if you keep posting the same thing you’re going to get the same replies.
LOL..no grapes..sweet sour or otherwise tc..a motorised tent has never been on my wishlist :-)
If any other aber posted a similar thread, a decent discussion may have ensued. It’s the poster not the subject matter .

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