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The Debate, Part Two

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gulliver1 | 17:44 Wed 20th Nov 2019 | Politics
82 Answers
Mr Corbyn, won a very clear VICTORY against Boris Johnson ,say the undecided voters . Beware You CONS, these undecided voters are very very important . They could be your downfall.


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Helps with a one-sided view, I guess... :-)
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//The undecided are going to sort this out . This is my opinion Mr Plod.//
Well Mr Plod will ask you again. Where is your link? If you cannot provide one then I assume you have no problem with your OP being moved out of News and dumped elsewhere
Thought this thread was about a political debate? If so, what does spelling, name calling and an inane comment about spectacles have to do with it. This is like playground behaviour.
To be fair, Maggie, I'm watching it now- and playground behaviour is about right x
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AB, SPARE E/D 16.46, No problem now. I see The members of my Fan club have now joined me on the Politics site . Thank you. I was getting a little concerned when you moved my thread. All my fans know where to contact me now , Cheers!.
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TGT 18.37, I Don't give a stuff who wins the UK G/E ,
or if we leave or remain in the E/U. I got out of the U/K Twenty years ago, and still do live Overseas. I do still take an interest in U/K Politics. There is no need for me run off and hide or Re/register under a new name . I will carry on opposing your bigoted posts long after the G/e and Brexit has been decided as long as God and E/d Allow.
Gulliver, link please, or is it another of your inventions?
Where do you live then gulliver - Cloud Cuckoo Land ??
"I Don't give a stuff who wins the UK G/E ,
or if we leave or remain in the E/U. "

In that case it's a pity you don't have more going on in your life to keep you busy than keep posting on here!
Corby, thank you for the link.More interestring is what the bookies think:
Danny, the bookies got it woefully wrong when pricing up the referendum. Remain was a shorter price than the Tories are now and look what happened:-/
Though i have to add, they're not saying the Tories will win by a landslide majority. If Boris wins by just 1 seat, then the bookies will have been correct.
Ken, admitted that they sometimes get it wrong but not very often.
Gulliver, //"I Don't give a stuff who wins the UK G/E ,//

Since you’ve done an ‘I’m alright Jack’ and hopped it, I don’t suppose you do. And you a social warrior too. What a hypocrite!
Dipping deeper into your link, i see that the Tories are 1/2 for a majority, 6/1 for a minority (10s with one firm), whereas you can get 33/1 for a Labour majority and 11/2 for them winning by a minority vote. Anyone who believes that halting Brexit will get the LibDems enough seats for a minority verdict can fill their boots @ 250/1 :-)
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KEN "09.03, If Boris wins by just one seat " He would consider himself very very Lucky.
250/1 for the LDs is very short odds. I would put them @ 10,000/1 and even that's on the stingy side.
You've got me delving even deeper into the market now, Danny. There are odds for each individual constituency and i feel a little acca coming on. For instance, my own town Burnley last had a Tory MP back in 1910 since, bar a short period of Lib/Dem governorship, Burnley has always been staunch Labour. Yet the betting shows Lab as just about odds on @ 4/6 with the Tories @ 2/1 2nd favs. Now i do know that the Tory vote had doubled at the last election but that still only left them a poor third. If i can find a few more @ 4/6 or thereabouts, the acca will be on:-)
Ken, if you can find one I wish you good luck.

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