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The Debate, Part Two

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gulliver1 | 17:44 Wed 20th Nov 2019 | Politics
82 Answers
Mr Corbyn, won a very clear VICTORY against Boris Johnson ,say the undecided voters . Beware You CONS, these undecided voters are very very important . They could be your downfall.


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Why don't you try to sort out the problems of the country you now live in wherever that is.
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I'd love to know where Gully lives and see what a hole his adopted country is.
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Jackdaw, Lying in the Sun at the moment, do you know what the SUN is , or is it just the name of your daily newspaper.
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Oo-er! Just half of your post at 9.41 has disappeared, theshedman! How odd!
Yes even gullivers posts seem to be disappearing. Something odd going on methinks.
I have moved this post into the category "Cloud Cuckoo Land".
Maybe he really is from Lilliput?
Thank you Mozz for the laugh^
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Gully probably lives in Spain with his beloved Alsatian dog.
Did he leave the UK voluntarily or under duress?
My guess would be one of the Asian countries. He certainly appears to hate all things British and that would fit.
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13.39 . Thank you God, that I do not have to live in
The Black Hole of ,"Stoke on Trent" What a Dump!
So come on Gulliver, where are you and how come you have so strong opinions on British politics that don't affect you?
I think andres may have got it right on his last post judging by gullivers earlier posts. Looks like it may be Costa Del Sol. I know a number of people who live in Spain but still come over to make use of the NHS so maybe keeping a eye open to make sure it can still be accessed or maybe something to do with the pensions.

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