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The Debate, Part Two

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gulliver1 | 17:44 Wed 20th Nov 2019 | Politics
82 Answers
Mr Corbyn, won a very clear VICTORY against Boris Johnson ,say the undecided voters . Beware You CONS, these undecided voters are very very important . They could be your downfall.


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You see what you want to see. You hear what you want to hear.
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"Answer Removed "
"I would of thought even a moron would know"

You should beware of calling someone a moron in the same line as writing "would of". #JustSayingLike
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19.10 SHEDMAN, Why the heck would I want to go to the U/K For NHS treatment ?. I would not want to wait a year for a hospital appointment, two weeks for a doctors appointment or even week in a bed in a hospital corridor waiting to go into a ward, I shall leave all that for you and good luck. Where I live we have the best health sevice ever . If i did want to return to the Uk to use the NHS, It would be allowed, as I have contributed to it over many years.P/S do you contribute or are you Funded by the State/Tax Payer
I did contribute for many years during my time in Royal Navy and then the Fire Brigade. I only mentioned it as you have in previous posts and I do know of many that do this whilst living in Spain. Sorry if you were offended. Maybe if you answered a question or two instead of just abusing the answers given people wouldn't think you were just trying to avoid giving an answer.
ps I have retired now.
I was thinking of moving to Lanzarote if McD gets his grubby mitts on the Treasury. Anyone know what the health provision is like there?
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Davebro 09.44 . Have a relative living there he is very pleased with the" health provision " .
if you don't even live here why do you care so much about who wins the election? where do you live gulliver?
I feel that expats have a right to opinion over British politics. However, I do not believe they have a right to opinion over the countries current living situation.

Times change as do processes and situations.

When did you leave the UK Gulliver1?
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11.22, You do not believe that I should be allowed to voice my opinion about the Country I used to live in, and the Country I, was born in. I think you ought to take yourself outside, and give yourself a good talking to.
Of course you can voice your opinion! So which lucky nation do you live in now then?
Gulliver1 - "I think you ought to take yourself outside, and give yourself a good talking to."

I realise what I have said. I take it back.
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16.50. " The Devil," no problem , Thank you for your very kind Reply, as you can see by the very very rude answer above your post, contributed by the Usual rude person , i/e 14.58, who thinks only his/her opinion counts , one has to be aware of nasty replies .
gulliver I am at a loss to see how you think TTTs post is as you put it "very very rude" as it only seems to be asking where you live. Maybe it's so he can compare it to your answer at 13.39 "Thank you God, that I do not have to live in The Black Hole of ,"Stoke on Trent" What a Dump!" which I would consider much more offensive. You may have been born and brought up in this country but you don't seem to have anything good to say about it.
yes shedman that's what I was trying to work out, it seems gulliver is a bit coy on this. Could it be that the whole thing is Bovine Guano?
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09.37 TGT, would like my name, address and telephone number . Keep it out!
no, just the country you live in.
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10.38" Classified Information "

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