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Boris Johnson

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Khandro | 22:35 Sun 29th Nov 2020 | Politics
294 Answers
I have supported him for a long time, but am beginning to wonder, my question now is; Is he a jerk?


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perhaps Gulliver went to a fee paying school but dare not own up to it, for fear of us thinking him privileged.
Gulliver// Beano not been delivered today then Danny ?.//
Unfortunately the shopkeeper only had one left which he sold to you. apparently to stop you crying.
now please play nice, it was going so well i thought, lol
I went to grammar school but was too rebellious to tame full advantage of it, silly me.
Left at sixteen and got an apprenticeship with an excellent engineering company, technical college as well, then to sea and another college, and then did courses throughout my working life..
I was lucky rather than talented, and an Eton type regime might have made a difference.
Educational resources are good, but discipline is rubbish in lots of schools. It all adds up to a massive contribution to societal breakdown.
well done theland, you made something of your long life. You took the opportunities that were there for you
I should!d have taken more advantage of my grammar school, then I might have gone to university, but I was too stupid to see that.
we all make mistakes theland.
From the answers gulliver has given as usual he is acting his shoe size and not his age. What does he get from just being abusive all the time. I will wait for the abuse coming my way from him now as it usually does. He can't seem to help himself.
perhaps he is very young and doesn't understand the questions or how to put his point across..
Emmie, I did the same as Theland and left at 14 and a half.
did you regret it?
Emmie// Did you regret it//
No, not really, after a few jobs I ended up joining the army, followed by a career in the police service, both of which I enjoyed.
14.14 Shedman Only one answer to your Usual insulting post ,is that is if you can not take insults back , do not give them out , Its as simple as that Ok
P/S Bet your shoe size is smaller than mine .

then you have had good careers. Your choice.
your overwhelming intellect gulliver is a sight to see.
Another gem from Gulliver showing his inability to post an intelligent
Danny @14.20, Too much personal information on a public site.
Thought you would have learned that at Hendon.
my nephews i am sure could come up with better responses and they are very young.
its not too much info. saying you were in the police, army. i mean come on

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