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teacake44 | 13:34 Tue 09th Mar 2021 | Politics
86 Answers
Or cry may be at some of the statements Matt Hancock comes out with. They are now going to close most of the nightingales in April, he says that these hospitals have played a critical role. My question , how can staff less empty hospitals have played a critical role? I'm confused.


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No doubt Stanley Johnson ,or someone related to Matt Hanckock, owned the land or had shares in the Company who built them.
14:00 Tue 09th Mar 2021
gawd just noticed the current BA. I reckon TC is gulliver's mum!
Woofgangs answer was fantastic but am pretty certain best answer will be left as gulliver because it's sort of agreeing rather than pointing out the flaws in the op. All I would agree with you teacake is as it turned out fortunateley they were'nt critical but could of been if the worst had happrned
Yes bob woofgang nailed it, they were there should they be needed for ITU if the NHS got overwhelmed and all their ventilators were in use. The government pre empted that and filled them with ventilators ready. Forunately they were largely not needed. They'll never get any praise for that from TC and co but they'd have been the ones screaming like banshees had they not done it.
TTT.. have you not noticed they always award each other BA.

It's rather quaint!

well they aren't going to get one any other way alavahalf!
alava//TTT.. have you not noticed they always award each other BA.//
I doubt that any sensible person would award them BA's. In second thoughts maybe a fellow traveller would.
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Not sure where you've all been the last few months, but the NHS has been overwhelmed, doctors and nurses have been on their knees, but of course Matt as got to cover his back by saying they haven't? But still no one has explained how the nightingales played ANY critical part, someone seems to think that the odd vaccination here and there is the critical part????
This seems a very odd thing to get worked up about.
If they'd been promised and not available I could understand it.
if they weren't put up wouldn't there have been an outcry, not enough beds, a contingency plan, ok so the main hospitals have so far coped,
TC: "Not sure where you've all been the last few months, but the NHS has been overwhelmed" - err no, it's been a challenging time but they have coped.
It's easier to struggle on if you think there is a safety net, maybe that helped. Only thing I can think of.

Sir Keir Starmer wouldn't have done better because if Labour had won the election then Jeremy Corbyn would have been PM.
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Who's getting worked up? I think some of the poster are, looking for an excuse, rather than tell me where they played a critical part. Let me try and explain, if a football player sits on the bench all though a football match, would the manager say he was a critical player, to the success of wining the match, when he didn't play? :0)
you and gully have made allegations on who gets the money, have you any proof of that... otherwise its just unsubstantiated rubbish
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Challenging is the word Matt uses, or any politician. It really means were in the SH***
some of it will stick, but we are coming out of it.
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16.54 But they hadn't got a safety net, they knew they was no staff to run them even before they started refitting.
// No doubt Stanley Johnson ,or someone related to Matt Hanckock, owned the land or had shares in the Company who built them//

o god put two men together and they will start botching

Nightingales were the emergency overflow channel when the river was in spate ( hey dig the metaphor!) - and yes they would have been staffed

per 6 ventilator beds, 2 ITU staff nurses, 4 ward nurses ( psych, theatre, outpatients) and sundery porters and non meds ( 4) - per shift - orthopods and VD doctors wandering around as ITU specialists

"yes they would have been staffed"

Only by displacing NHS staff working at nearby hospitals though.
TC: "if a football player sits on the bench all though a football match, would the manager say he was a critical player" - nope but if he didn't have him there and a situation arose where he was needed he'd have correctly been accused of poor preparation.

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