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em, i agree. i thought it would be a little less observational and actually offer some opinion about why, how, where, when it all went wrong etc. i did however, see some footage that i hadn't before which demonstrated the ferocity of the violence and what the police had to put up with which still managed to shock me further. i think the looters are scum - the generation of britain that think the world owes them something and are prepared to do nothing about it except lie, steal, batter and f*** everyone else over. they have absolutely no excuse - there are poorer, more disadvantaged people who chose NOT to do what the rioters did and i hope that the courts continue to dish out prison - and perhaps other punishments such as stopping benefits and evictions. i work 50 hours a week to afford my home and have been on the council waiting list for ten years getting no closer to an affordable property - why should a looter or other piece of scum who robs, bullies or decides not to pay their housing benefit or council tax (which is given to them by all of us) still be housed over me? it makes my blood boil...x