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Dale Farm

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anotheoldgit | 09:51 Mon 19th Sep 2011 | News
110 Answers

What will be the outcome to all this?

Why are these activists causing so much trouble?

/// Meanwhile Northern Irish TV presenter Gloria Hunniford arrived by taxi at the site this morning. It was unclear if she was supporting the travellers, or calling for them to leave.///

Speaking up for her own county folk, no doubt?


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K, the legal eagles at the council, the councillers themselves must be heartily sick of this matter, if its gone on this long, perhaps they want to see the end of it. And i said as much as LoftyL that if permitted to remain, which some seem to think is the right option, then this could be the precedent that some want, in other words, if they remain, then why can't other travellers, non travellers do the same. Buy land, don't ask the council for permission to build, just do it, and then cite this case as a reason not to move.
I understand your points as well Krov and agree that I have given a worse case scenario, but there are lots of official traveller sites (as I have mentioned) so why aren't they being used.

The fact is, they don't want to use the official sites because they are supervised and they are charged rental.

When the travellers have more regard for their own children's safety and wellbeing and start using the sites that are available to them legally then I might develop more of a conscience.
I have spent years getting planning permission on a piece of land - perhaps I should have just built on it.
Eviction beginning.
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/// Rov it was a scrapyard when they bought it! ///

It still is.

Apologies if anyone has already pointed this out.
Why cant they just release some kind of gas that will knock them all out for a few hours then the authorities can go in with gas masks and remove them all without any trouble. Job done.
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/// I've not seen anyone from the surrounding area complaining only that dodgy looking guy with the dog that the BBC keep wheeling
out ///

You are wrong, the local people have been on 24/7 vigilance, taking it in turns to man the area.
Well it'll be dark soon so they'd better hurry up whatever they're going to do. Sky News said the eviction had started but nothing happened except somebody made a statement which others drowned out so you couldn't hear. I can't imagine how they are going to achieve this eviction as it is being made as difficult as possible for the authorities. Unless they do what Dave says of course.
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Send in the troops via helicopters, and get them to hitch cables to their vehicles and lift them off the site with the aid of Chinook helicopters.

Apparently there is one stupid female who has positioned herself on top of some scaffolding and put a rope around her neck.

Once again a helicopter preforming a mountain rescue type of operation, could land a crew member onto the scaffold, so as to attach a winch harness around her to get her off..
<<hitch cables to their vehicles and lift them off the site with the aid of Chinook helicopters.>>


Someone's connection with the real world has been impaired by watching old episodes of 'Thunderbirds'.
Sucessive British Governments have spoken up against the abuse of minorities around the world.

From Kurds in Iraq to muslims in China

Gassing travellers in our country might just undermine our claim to occupy the moral high ground don't you think?

Who am I kidding? you don't care do you? you just want people to go in wielding any force they fancy and if a few old ladies get hurt - well so what?
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/// Someone's connection with the real world has been impaired by watching old episodes of 'Thunderbirds'.///

I think it is you who spends too much time sitting in front of your TV.

Get out in the real world and see how technology has advanced.

And when the Army pilot asks you if you can guarantee you have cleared the area of any civilians - especially children - who might be at risk how will you avoid looking like a silly old man with only an imagination that is over-active.
There's a Dispatches programme on tonight about Eviction at Dale Farm i anybody is interested. Ch.4 @ 8pm I think.
I live in Northern Ireland and this evening I will be travelling from the north coast to Belfast. At some point I will pass a small estate with well maintained front and rear gardens, only children's toys lying around and no rubbish. Every bungalow is lived in by so called travellers. I presume they are no longer travelling but the point is, this problem can be sorted providing both sides are willing to work together.
Vulcan, i think that ship has sailed.
Correction: i think we only allow the army to operate small helicopters.

The Chinook is restricted to RAF pilots.

They won't engage in Old Git's hare-brained flights of fancy either.

The real solution will be the usual, tedious, hands-on business of dragging the people out one by one or waiting until they get tired of standing on scaffolding with ropes round their necks and come down for a cup of tea.

Not exciting - just effective and without the unwelcome bonus of small children being crushed under caravans being lifted out by helicopters!
moving them on solves no problem at just moves it on with them...they will just have to find other places to move onto

and the whole sorry, expensive affair will begin again...

you moan about them using taxpayers money... who do think is paying the 80 million all this has pointlessly cost?

they have to go somewhere and they may as well have stayed on an established site that they actually owned...but red tape actually just caused grief for them - and the places they will now flock too...
Dave50, gassing gypsies? I think the last people to try that were the Nazis.
So you wouldnt mind them living next to you joko?

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