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Dale Farm

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anotheoldgit | 10:51 Mon 19th Sep 2011 | News
110 Answers

What will be the outcome to all this?

Why are these activists causing so much trouble?

/// Meanwhile Northern Irish TV presenter Gloria Hunniford arrived by taxi at the site this morning. It was unclear if she was supporting the travellers, or calling for them to leave.///

Speaking up for her own county folk, no doubt?


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Joko might be a Pikey name lol
"you moan about them using taxpayers money... who do think is paying the 80 million all this has pointlessly cost? "

I'm willing to bet its not the Dale Farm residents.
i don't suppose Tessa Jowell enjoyed them much either. At least one MP who knows what it feels like

My cousin has signed an on-line petition against the eviction as he is proud to be a gypsy...............he lives in a house in Poole!
Sandbanks is full of dodgy characters
Do you know anybody in Sandbanks who could tarmac my drive?
lol Zeuhl................he does have a few shotguns :-(
Correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am) but I thought the cost was 18 million not 80?
whats that got to do with anything craft? what an odd question...try reading my comment properly

and boo...yes them, and so is every other taxpayer - in short - us...
They pay taxes?
just on the news, there is a reprieve, looks like they have until friday, i think they have gone back to the high courts. I didn't hear it all, so can't say anymore than that. The saga of Dale Farm, wonder if someone could write a song about it.
boo...sorry i thought you had the said the residents of the neighbouring area...
Dale Farm residents have won a temporary reprieve preventing council from clearing structures.
Glad that they are staying otherwise I would have lost my Resident Fortune Teller :-)
no, i meant the "travellers", they won't be footing the bill will they? Just us muggins as usual!

What the answer is here i've honestly no idea. It seems hey won't go into council houses offered to them, as they're travellers, despite the fact none of 'em have traveled anywhere for bloody years! So their alternative is moving to a plot of land elsewhere- thus making their future neghbours lives a misery.

Incidentally, re the council houses offered to them courtesy of queue jumping, bet that warms the cockles of anyone who's been on a waiting list for donkeys!
Redman if so, then surely they would know when they will be off the site.
Spot on em10 !
They had the Crystal Ball out and saw the injunction coming ! :-)
I was wondering about the protesters and activists; who are they? Do they have jobs? Do they do this during their annual holidays or do the "pull sickies"? Are they there with their boss's blessing? If they don't work and they are claiming benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance they are quite obviously not actively seeking employment. I know that previously you couldn't even do voluntary work to claim "dole". Has that changed? Just wondering.
This has been dragging through the courts for the last 10 years - is there really anything further for the court to consider. As I understand it the Supreme Court has deliberated on this matter and found the occupation to be illegal - so what more to be said ? Time for them to go.

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