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Good point heathfield.
-- answer removed --
now is the time for Cameron to show some cojones, and get rid of this man.
I'm not celebrating until the bstard is on a plane that is airborne.
Can someone enlighten me here ? The Supreme Court has said he has to go and now the ECHR has said the same - so what further line of appeal can this man possibly have ?
don't know, but the report says that he will be here at least another year. Why?
Apparently the case will now go back before the British courts. This from the link below.

//The home secretary will consider one option for "short-circuiting" lengthy appeals in the British courts against his deportation. If she considers that the al-Qaida-linked cleric's case is "manifestly unfounded", she could issue a certificate limiting his appeals to a single high court challenge.//
In Italy they deport people before the arguments start. We dont deport them in order to let the arguments start!
so if he goes, what about the rest?
I presume they're all judged on their individual merits. (Poor choice of terminology there - merits).
It's never the "EU commission" that blocks deportations, heathfield. It's usually the European Court of Human Rights. And they have no powers to either enforce their rulings or to levy fines on countries that refuse to obey their rulings. my view the time has come to suggest that the European Convention on Human Rights and our own 1998 Human Rights Act is past its sell-by date, withdraw from the Convention and repeal the Act. Then all the criminals, terrorists and other assorted dross who seem to be the only beneficiaries of the legislation can be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
I think 'abu' in Irish means 'forever'.
How did we get into this legal mess where a lawyer with sufficient ingenuity can go on appealing a case, to several levels in different courts, without, it seems, needing leave of the courts to do so, and above all, arguing, in one court, on facts or points already decided finally against the appellant in another type of court?

We still have a peremptory power to exclude anyone who is not a person whose presence in this country would not be conducive to the public good, but I suspect that can be appealed elsewhere in the case of an EU citizen. Some Dutch politician of the ' far right ' seems to have had such a ruling changed in the past, whereas an American's ban stayed.
We should put him on a plane now and argue the toss later.
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Should that be

put him on a plane and argue about the Salads Chef later?
Question Author
that should read to$$er
Like the mills of God, the European "legal" system grinds slowly, yet it does not grind all with "exactness". At least it is not quite as bad as the American system, wherein because of legal processes the time between sentence of death being passed and execution of the same can be anything up to about 20 years, whereas in this country the average was about six weeks.
mike does that mean we can deport the ba$*** in the next six weeks or just put him in old sparky.
Unfortunately Old Sparky, the rope or Madame Guillotine are no longer options. Yooman rights and all that, dontcha know?
As he wants to stay in the UK why isn't he just released into the community. I am confident that he will be much safer at large in the UK than in prison in Jordan. Ah.. we will have to provide a lifelong security guards or provide him with a new identity, now that would be tricky.

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Abu Qatada loses his right to appeal

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