StarBeast - actually the two do no corelate at all.
The belief in a God and / or a holy book is a matter of faith, the essence of which is belief in something for which no proof exists.
The notion that a woman's reproductive system can 'shut down' foetal development if she wishes is something any first-term medical student, and anyone who knows the very basics about human reproduction - can debunk without even trying.
One is a matter of faith, the other is a matter of the most laughable, not to say dangerous pseudo-science - so they are in fact poles apart, even though somefervent believers in the former may wish that the latter were true.
However, if this numpty is pro-life, as he claims, then surely he should be campaigning to stop all those women who are preferring not to continue gestation, and simply swinging their mental 'no thanks' option into gear?