I worry for Megan's state of mind now - she obviously thinks she is in love with him, so naturally will be worried for him and the outcome of the court case. This will not endear her family to her, she will be very resentful to them I am sure, and will turn against them for bringing her back. I don't believe she was in danger for one moment, I think he really did (or does) care for her even though it was totally irresponsible on his behalf for all the reasons given on here previously. I feel for them ALL in this strange situation, the parents (his parents must be devastated, hers are overjoyed) Megan (at the thought of not seeing him again) and Jeremy (who must be feeling guilty by now and scared at the tremendous drama he has put them both in) and his poor wife (she must be heartbroken) I really don't know what to think about it all .................