Preventing war was one of the prime reasons for many of the original countries joining it, mainly the Benelux, French etc.
Britain, being an Island does not have the same need, bit difficult to get panzers over the channel, not quite as easy as Poland) so the scream of the Europhile stating this is simply frightening tactics.
There is absolutley no reason why the UK cannot pull out. Membership costs us millions and we get little back. Germany and the UK are proping up the whole sorry mess (Its only just recently the the French have started paying more than they take out). In addition our exports to Europe are less than our imports so you can bet your bottom dollar Europe would be only too keen to deal with us (The whole original idea of the common market).
Of course, I suspect that the UK pulling out would collapse the EU since that wold leave the Germans paying and running the whole show.
Oh, isnt that what they wanted and had two world wars for ?
So, you Europhiles, yes you have stopped war by everyone collaborating with Germany and in effect the Germans have won the war through stealth this time.