Question Author
/// Do you think that straight football players should date women in secret? ///
What has that got to do with the question I asked? I just cannot understand your reasoning, incidentally why should they keep it a secret?
/// Do you object to knowing that straight players are straight? ///
Couldn't care less either way, why should I?
//// If not - why the objection to gay players openly having boyfriends? ///
Where in the world have I said that?
Why do you continue to ask me such ridicules questions, when I haven't gave you any cause?
The question I asked was "Is It Really Important For Gay Footballers To Come Out Of The Closet"?
I was in no way attacking homosexuality, just why the need for them 'come out', which makes no difference to the game of Soccer either way.
By stating my opinion that football has enough problems with racism, without adding homophobia to them, was only made in light of some football crowd members chanting out racist insults, so one could imagine the insults that would be added if they knew that a player happened to be gay?
In future sp please do not ask me to qualify statements that I have never made, which will in turn save me from wasting my time having to explain to you, your mistakes.