/// But clearly, when posts appear that are dishonest, misleading, foolish or thinly disguised vehicles for projecting some prejudice or other then ABers will want to point out the shortcomings and stupidity in those posts ///
I take exception to you your suggestion that my post is dishonest, misleading, foolish etc, etc.
Where have any of these been such?
I only asked a news question on the subject of gay footballers, that was even reported on back in Feb 2010 and in the Guardian for those of a more delicate taste for news.
I asked the question, "Is It Really Important For Gay Footballers To Come Out Of The Closet"?
Please answer this giving the reasons if it is really important.
I then gave a personal opinion. "In my opinion, football has enough problems with racism, without adding homophobia to them".
Straight forward enough opinion, taking into account the racist problems caused in Soccer.
Please state whether or not you agree with my opinion and if you are against it, please outline why it would not cause additional problems?
I finally asked "What do you think, would it be a good thing for gay footballers to come out"?
Once again asking for others to answer that particular question, without the need to twist my question into something that could cause others to hit back.
Now have I been dishonest, misleading, foolish or have thinly disguised vehicles for projecting some prejudice?
WARNING: AOG cannot be held responsible for readers of a sensitive nature.