who was complicit in the slave trade, many countries, but add in Arab traders, African tribal leaders getting rid of their enemies,
who captured millions, of white settlers from around European settlements centuries ago, North African corsairs, those captured also included many from these shores, captured into slavery most never seen again.
Had Britain not stood up to be counted in both WW1, WW2, how many of the peoples of Africa, Asia, would have survived or at least been put to work till they dropped, died.
WW2 was a world war, led by a Jew hating madman, who wasn't just going to stop there.
Terrorists are not just based in Afghanistan, but Pakistan, and anywhere you choose, their aim is not about defending their countries, as Britain did in both wars, but about subjugating the populace of the countries they take over, better look at Mali for some much needed education.
The ordinary folk of Mali didn't want the insurgents, extremists and the French so far have pushed them back, but that is not to say that if the French leave they won't come back. So if ordinary Malians don't want the Islamic extremists because they know what they are capable of, subjugation of them at every turn, then why shouldn't western forces go in to help.