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An Aog-Style One - And It's Not The Daily Wail!

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DTCwordfan | 18:08 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | News
90 Answers
The local government official numpty of the year award for 2013 so far.

Just unbelievable.......and he was saying that lunch time that he was not thinking about resigning.

Bet he goes? Sweepstake by when?


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Am I classed as one of the 'ultra right wing' because of my comments in this thread?

As the mother of a disabled child what I think of this man is really not printable and AB filters would just asterisk it out anyway.
Sorry to bump this away from personal accusations...but you know what really shocks me about this man?

He said this at a disability workshop.

I disgusting as the comment is, why on earth would you say it in THAT forum???
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well at least we are in agreement, daffy.

I am surprised that he hasn't been charged for such remarks - in the States, he would have been as disability-hatred is a crime.
i am not ultra anything, like to think that i don't have a screw loose, and already commented earlier, he is bonkers...
It does sound a wicked thing to say, but I think I can see where he is coming from. He had just come from a meeting where he was valiantly fighting (but failing) cuts in services and no doubt his was a sarcastic reaction which would have been better prefaced by "you might as well euthanise etc etc........" - using the shock factor to bring home just how bad the cuts are. But by wording it the way he did it sounded like he really supported such a move which patently he doesn't.
Are you his PR guru, Canary?
If not , you should be. You have made a better fist of explaining his stupidity than him.

That's a very fair way of looking at the story, and I'm glad someone has stepped back from the 'first impact' stance.

However I honestly think that as someone in public office needs to be conscious of what they say.

Like many people, I myself will tell some horrifically un-PC jokes when I'm drunk with my mates, but when I'm in a professional environment, I know what is, and what isn't acceptable.

Can I tell you my favourite un-PC joke?

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yes, would love it, but, as you picked up, sp, there is a time and a place.
Tell me SP. I love un-PC. :o)

I think Canary is right - it was a knee-jerk reaction.
@Canary Interesting interpretation of this mans comments you made.

"He had just come from a meeting where he was valiantly fighting (but failing) cuts in services and no doubt his was a sarcastic reaction which would have been better prefaced by "you might as well euthanise etc etc."

Where did you get the information that he was fighting the cuts to services from?

This is an article from "Truro People", and from it they say this;

"When told how the group helps parents of children with special educational needs, Mr Brewer responded by saying: "Disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down."

Further on in the article it says this;
" Councillor Brewer, who has been a councillor for more than 25 years, said he believed the incident happened after a long council meeting regarding budgets.

He recalled the conversation happened at a time when some disabled children were being moved out of county for care which was "incurring additional expense".

While admitting using the language, he stressed it was not something he believed but did it to "stimulate" a debate."

That does not sound like the comments of a man valiantly fighting the cuts in services to me - that sounds like a man complaining about the cost of disability care......
Sometimes a statement can be so extreme that it cannot have been meant to be taken seriously

Jeremy Clarkeson's comments for example that striking workers should be taken out and shot.

Now who here who wants this guy to quit was backing Clarkeson over that comment?

Do we think either was seriously proposing that action? No

So what's the difference - one was about strikers and the other about disabled children?

That makes one charmingly curmudgeonly and the other an evil hate crime?


LG, //Where did you get the information that he was fighting the cuts to services from?//

This from the original link.

//He said he had been in a meeting in the morning about council cuts and had been "hot under the collar".//

I would assume from that he wasn’t happy about cuts - otherwise he wouldn't have been hot under the collar.
naomi24 - would LOVE to, honestly...but my liberal lefty left-half of my brain has vetoed it.

It's bloody funny though...
@Naomi - well, these things will be open to interpretation I guess. From the tone of the article in the Truro People, he did not sound like someone who had been valiantly fighting cuts to me.

@JtP. Not sure exactly what point you are trying to make. I was not happy with Clarksons comment either, but he is an entertainer. This guy is a locally elected official. I think that should make a difference.
I can't see how you can compare Clarksons comments with Brewers ....?
SP, can’t you whisper it? Go on …. no one’s around. ;o)

LG, I see what you mean, but as you say these things are open to interpretation – and let’s face it, one person’s idea of a joke isn’t necessarily another’s .... as is evident from this thread. ;o)
How come it's taken two years to come to light?
He's probably up for re-election and needs to let the punters to know it was taken out of context.

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