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An Aog-Style One - And It's Not The Daily Wail!

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DTCwordfan | 18:08 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | News
90 Answers
The local government official numpty of the year award for 2013 so far.

Just unbelievable.......and he was saying that lunch time that he was not thinking about resigning.

Bet he goes? Sweepstake by when?


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I was just saying the severely handicapped should be put out of their existence, they thave nothing to live for, really!

So even if the parents disagree, you think the kids should be removed forcibly and euthenized?
My daughter's partner of 3 years has a 47 year old brother with Downs who cannot look after himself. I asked her if she was worried about looking after him, she said "He's not a burden, he's a joy"..........
ShallowQueen, your attitude is abhorrent.

I think you are being to charitable to the guy :) Were your reading of his remarks correct, that would not fit with his own comments to the effect that he offered up the comment because he had a previous experience in sales and wanted to provoke a response.

Still and all - up to him and the other councillors, I guess, but to me i think he has to stand down - regardless of his motives for saying it, he has been fatally compromised as a poltician.
i probably am being too charitable Lazygun. tbh, I didn't really think that people could still think like that until I came across a poster on here tonight. IN which case, I now see that some people are ****** idiots who didn't ought to be allowed to breathe the same air as us, let alone have a public office.

I retract my supportive comments.
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Incapacitated does not assist your meaning. If you are incapacitated for benefit reasons, it simply means that you are unable to work.

Just because someone is immobile, it doesn't follow that they have nothing to live for.

So, for example, someone confined to a wheelchair, who needs 24 hours mobility care, requires help with breathing through a ventilator and cannot speak unaided is your assessment of the type of person who should be "put down"? Just so as we know who would be OK in your "perfect" world.
Shallowqueen your username is relevant.
I'd rather have the chav mentality put down than the disabled. Make of that what you will. If you can.
As for the OP, I think it's too easy to jump on someone and demand their livelihood for a few badly placed words.
In chronological terms this is old news. It's a witch hunt in my opinion and he should be left where he is.
The electorate can decide in his next round of elections.
I protest in the strongest terms about the left-wingers on this site constantly bringing my client's name into every argument, always without any justification at all.
F Puli, AOG International Management
Ahhh shaddap Fred :p
lol, Fred. (If you want a giggle, go into the Lies thread in Law - apparently I have no experience of people lying in court).

I was waiting for SQ to grace us with her presence, but it appears she has been suspended.

My example (given her rather odd views) were that she would have euthanised Stephen Hawking. Clearly he needs no further explanation.
Hi Barmaid......I was reading that and thinking of all the months I sat with a husband who couldn't get out of bed.....could do nothing except slowly die in fact.
At what point would I have put him down???? We always made everything the best it could be even if it didn't fit other people's idea of perfect.
Odd woman.
I probably got rather hot under the collar gness (and that is unlike me), for which no doubt I shall be roundly told off by Mr Ed tomorrow. However, I found her views so abhorrent, I really couldn't help it.
There comes a point Barmaid, when you want to slap someone, bite a chunk out of the coffee table or risk the wrath of Ed....I think you did very well to still have a laptop on which to post. x
BM, I have now given the benefit of what passes for my mind, to the 'Lies' thread. I trust you agree with my opinion there expressed.

A close friend has a son who has a debilitating condition, diagnosed when he was 7. He is now 20. She has had to live with his slowly, gradually, and inevitably passing from health to now being almost unable to speak at all, immobile save for very limited hand movement, communicating through a specially adapted keyboard. More than once he has degenerated suddenly and the doctors have asked her whether she will let him die. Each time she has said "Ask him!". Each time he has recovered enough. Has he got no quality of life? He thinks not and she will not think so either. He will die soon enough, too soon, but inevitably, in a year or two.
^adapted computer^ not 'keyboard'
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Just so everybody knows, the local news here has just reported that Brewer resigned from the Council last night.

Thank goodness.

Even allowing for "internal process" - this seems to have rolled on far too long. He committed three major breeches of internal policy and, quite frankly, they could be prosecuted under Equality legislation. In fact, they should look seriously at taking a case against him - such homophobia is not to be condoned.
DTC, as per my link, x
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you are more on the ball than I am this morning, em; I put it down to a dearth of

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