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An Aog-Style One - And It's Not The Daily Wail!

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DTCwordfan | 18:08 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | News
90 Answers
The local government official numpty of the year award for 2013 so far.

Just unbelievable.......and he was saying that lunch time that he was not thinking about resigning.

Bet he goes? Sweepstake by when?


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Okay...but don't say I didn't warn you.

And in my defence, I hate men who hit women, and my own mum once had a partner who was a violent thug whom I had many a physical run in when he got a bit 'handy' with my mother...

Q. What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?

A.'ve already told her twice.

Now...I find that funny, but at the same time, I hate men who hit women.

Go figure.

(Do I have to resign from AB now?)
What he's demonstrated is that he's too stupid to be in the position, irrespective of whether he meant what he said or not. He should therefore resign on that basis.
sp, strangely not funny, but as they say no accounting for taste.
I too hate men who hit women, my father was one of those and never saw it as anything but vile.
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yes, that one is grim, sp..........I abhor violence too.

(Do I have to resign from AB now?)

No, but I will remind you of this the next time you are Frankie Boyle bashing.
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lol, MT
I think Canary got it. I suspect out of exasperation at the Council's cuts, he made a comment along the lines of "Well they cost the council too much money and so the answer for the COuncil is that they should be put down". I think this was directed at the COuncil removing funds from where they are most needed (as many councils are doing at present). I recall at a recent Councillors' meeting where the cutting of care was being discussed one member said "well let's just euthanize them". He didn't mean that all elderly folk should be taken out and shot, he meant that it was more convenient for the Council given the way they were being treated.

However, if he just meant it as a straight forward "I am a Finance Specialist and i think anyone less than perfect should be exterminated", he ought to be taken out and shot.

Yours, less outraged than everyone else.

(PS as the step parent of a disabled lad, who fights tirelessly for his provision, if I thought for one minute Cllr Brewer meant this in the way it has been interpreted, I'd probably be knocking on his door asking for an explanation, in less than polite terms).
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I have just heard on the phone that he has now got police protection on his house.

That doesn't surprise me, being down here......there are often some weird ideas of justice that can play out.
"That doesn't surprise me, being down here......there are often some weird ideas of justice that can play out"


SP, I didn't laugh.... :o(

.... but I hope you don't resign from AB. :o)
My comment was already removed, so there is no point in me commenting. here.
So why bother?!
I didn't !
shallowqueen, if you have a valid point to make - then do so, thinking carefully ( as we all should) before pressing submit.
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Is that based on experience or just your perception of the matter ??
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shallow by name and shallow by nature!

I spend a lot of time with my sister-in-law who has downs syndrome. a lot of her friends are severely disabled and they always have a smile for me, which is more than a lot of 'normal' people have!
I have Grandchildren with disabilities, albeit not severe, so as Barmaid says your terminology needs some defining.

Equally only two years ago a cousin died, aged 67 - she was born severely disabled and her parents told to expect her to die within her first week of life.
Iris had a wonderful life, I never heard her speak but her laughter was infectious and she could down a large G&T through a straw in 10 seconds, I miss her.
How can anyone be so incredibly unfeeling and insensitive? No wonder everyone is getting so annoyed. Incidentally, when i read DT's heading I assumed he meant it was the sort of thing which Aog would bring to our notice, and quite rightly so. I am sure he was not being offensive.

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