What I would like to ask is why do they all choose to escape their persecutors by coming to the UK?
We seem to be the safe haven for most of the world's political refugees, and once here we never seem to be able to send them back thanks to the ECHRs.
I am in no way belittling what this poor young girl has been forced to go through, simply for standing up for the right of girls to receive an education, but simply commenting on the additional danger it is to this country for foreign nationals to come to these shores and use it as a soap-box to preach their particular views, don't we attract far too much anger from certain groups for our own foreign policy, without attracting more.
Yes this young girl and her family will enjoy celebrity status in this country and will not want for anything in the future, that is much, much more than can be said for our own returning troops, back from troubled lands.