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Why Is Maggie The Hate Victim?

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DangerUXD | 12:35 Thu 11th Apr 2013 | News
108 Answers
Surely the unions themselves begat the need for someone like MrsT to take action. If not her then it would have been necessary for someone else to sort the problem. So perhaps they should reserve their death partys for the likes of Scargill and Red Robbo, they wrecked the country.


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TWR, for no reason you seem to accept, and others who had no cause to love her, said she did put the British people first, on so many levels, it's you that doesn't want to know that, you just want your pound of flesh.
unlike Blair who took the country into an illegal war and landed us with Brown, a man who someone said, was not fit for purpose. When your Labour party gets in next time, or one of the former leaders die, shall we all raise placards with thank heavens they are dead, great. No of course not, that is just simply spiteful, and very juvenile if you really think about it.
@Em Brown is probably the closest to a polarising figure from the left in the way Thatcher was for the right, but not even he has had her influence or legacy.

And for those communities and individuals and families who feel their lives and prospects were blighted by Thatchers policies, they will not take the view that Thatcher put Britain first, whatever your own personal opinion of her politics.
Why is there this strong opposition to Maggie? It's because of idiots like William Hague insisting that she has a ceremonial funeral and that the country should turn out to honour her. What a load of old ballcocks.
It is a sad part of the British character that some at least of the population have to have something or someone to hate. Now that it is not allowed to hate blacks, jews, gays, or any ethnic or cultural minority then poor old Maggie cops the lot. The irony is that Maggie had the last laugh because in the end she didn't give a monkey's but the haters still carry the burden of the hatred which only hurts them. It really would be best to realise that the past is the past and what is done is done and look to the future because something can be done about that.
Without the Unions you'd be living like Bangladeshies !!

//People are failing to look at the bigger picture. Their opinion are based on them, what she did to them, how she effected them....

Sod all to do with the country she was trying to run. //

You cannot run a country , without your policies having a direct effect on the populus .
It is entirely reasonable to expect the populus to react as per how your policies affects them
Baz - yes I know. She was elected 3 times so the majority agreed with her policies at some point.
and as been pointed out, she won three terms in office, so not all wrong decisions, nor mass hatred, just a woman in a very tough job, doing the best she could. So hate her, don't her, let's stop all this nonsense, the woman is dead, let us get on with our lives.

//And it is indisputable that she was a divisive figure - the comments here attest to that... //

Indeed , sir
If by that you are asserting that only a minority ( which i dont accept for one minute ) disagreed with her policies ; then that minority's opinion should not be stifled

//Now that it is not allowed to hate blacks, jews, gays, or any ethnic or cultural minority then poor old Maggie cops the lot//

You are allowed to hate who you like - it's a free country
And the expressions of hatred and dislike toward Maggie have nothing to do with sublimated desire to hate someone, or the principle of transference because apparently we are not allowed to "hate blacks, jews, gays or ethnic or cultural minority". That's just nonsense...
Again Bazile - good comments.
Maggie is not a hate victim, she reaped what she sowed. By making life awful for many, the many are now going overboard with the parties and suchlike. It's all for show.

Surely the better question is why so many seem to need to metaphorically 'kiss her feet', especially now. Or what this need is to have umpteen threads about the woman.

Ultimately, as an extremist, she came up against others with opposing extreme views and opted for 'battle'. Meanwhile the rest of us had to put up with it.
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I suppose when you are the demostos that you are never going to get the support of the germs. hey ho.
Just like a cancer would not have the support of the body then eh, Danger?
you may be allowed to hate who you like, but are you are allowed to express it, without the law coming down on your back. If a Christian were to stand in the middle of a town square with a placard which said i don't like, hate homosexuals, they wouldn't be standing there long. They would like as not end up being ushered out of the way, or if they refused to move be packed off by the boys in blue. If as a Christian you have to fight a court case to wear a cross at work, which seems perverse, then surely saying what you actually think about someone will likely see you in jail. If those views are deemed to be racist, homophobic, or other.
had Mrs T been our first black woman PM i wonder if there would have been all this hatred, or been expressed in such a way, i very much doubt it.
She didnt make life awful for the many, she made it a pain for a loudmouthed few. That is why she won elections.

Many who are gobbing off now were not alive and dont really know what they are gobbing off about.

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