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Why Is Maggie The Hate Victim?

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DangerUXD | 12:35 Thu 11th Apr 2013 | News
108 Answers
Surely the unions themselves begat the need for someone like MrsT to take action. If not her then it would have been necessary for someone else to sort the problem. So perhaps they should reserve their death partys for the likes of Scargill and Red Robbo, they wrecked the country.


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@ymb riight, of course, all the people writing here have no first hand experience. If that thought comforts you...
/when you are the demostos that you are never going to get the support of the germs/


so Danger; Domestos/Germs

You see, even you finally got bored with
Doctor/Medicine and Fire Brigade/Soaked carpet
Reading through the recent Posts

it does occur to me that if Baroness Thatcher could see the response to her death and found that everyone was applauding and eulogising her

She would be very worried!

And probably disappointed.
@ Em I am all for free speech, and hate to see censorship - but expressing hatred based upon race, or creed, or colour or gender is pretty repugnant. With the right of free speech also comes the responsibility not to incite hatred - something you seem keen to move on from. Wasn't it you who said we should not hate figures such as Goebbels, or Hitler?

And I would disagree with your wrt a Black female PM - if she had acted the same as Thatcher, she would be disliked equally as much- colour of skin has nothing to do with this debate...
// may be allowed to hate who you like, but are you are allowed to express it, without the law coming down on your back.//

My post was in response to the intimation made that you cant hate the groups stated . i.e i'm saying that you can hate whoever you like - there is no thought police . I was not saying that you can go out on in public with a placard stating that you hate blacks etc .

Afterall all those on here expressing their opinion of hate towards her , are allowed to do so - there is no law against it , in the way that it is being done on here .
you said you can say what you like, no you can't is what i am saying. There is no real freedom of speech, if you post something Ed or the mods don't like or gets reported on it's pulled. If a person says they don't care for homosexuals in their B&B on grounds of their religious belief then they are castigated roundly and taken to court as was the case. I didn't say that what they did was right, but you cannot by and large say what you like not without someone objecting or indeed making a case for police. What one thinks and what one can truthfully say are two very different things.
if you didn't notice by the way, that on the announcement of her death and posts were going up on AB, many responses were pulled, as Ed said at the time, show some respect... so hate her, don't hate her, say what you will, it doesn't matter. she can't hear it.
@Em They broke the law wrt discrimination. Ed will have rules of decency which regulate what can be posted on the board, which is not entirely unexpected.

And free speech does not mean unfettered free speech, without any kind of regard for the consequences of your speech. I remind you that you were the one who thinks we should move on from hatred, apparently.
i hate no one, i said that before, which is why i find it weird, sad, strange that these people express hatred for someone they don't know, who in real terms had no impact on their life, and even if she had indirectly, it's all past, the woman has died.
Bazile posted that you are allowed to hate who you like. He has not suggested that you are allowed to say what you like.
Of course it was awful for many. Monetarist policy and union bashing ensure much unemployment. And for sure there are folk here with first hand knowledge.
crisgel - i was about to respond with exactly what you have pointed out .

Further , for example , an inteviewer on the telly could ask you - what you think about MT .
You may reply thus , ' i hate her ' - no law being broken there
She might indeed be dead, but her legacy lives on, and regardless of how you feel about the matter, many will feel aggrieved at the effect of her policies, so I can see why some might wish to protest this way at her passing - For myself, i think it tasteless, but it is a free country, and we do have free speech in this country - not unfettered free speech, but no one anywhere has that, nor should they.

You see no irony in criticizing what these people are doing whilst at the same time stating that we do not have free speech in this country ?
i dislike the fact of those people gloating and glorying in her demise, that to me seems totally wrong.
I think Maggie would enjoy seeing the bile, to be honest....

maybe, let's hope Ms Blythe doesn't read the sun.
@Em why? You still haven't elaborated on your comment about "waste of money" or something..

For someone who does not hate, you do seem able to carry a big old grudge :)
Until Maggie's death I was unaware of the hatred and bile, and lack of respect of which some people seem capable. I'm rapidly changing my perspective of British people.
Perhaps it's an age thing as I certainly want nothing to do with the angry, destructive young people I have seen portrayed recently.
Why on Earth do you think the est of Britain should respect someone just because you do?

That seems immensely arrogant - maybe it is an age thing to think that your values should be universal and everybody else should share them.

I'm pretty certain the 'youth of today' really don't care very much if you respect them or not!

I dont think that this is peculiar to the British - you can find dissenters to particular individuals , in any country in the world

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