Who was demeaning MR? I'm sure it's a very efficient tool in the right context.
On a previous thread I was pointing out to Zeuhl the thoughts and comments of colleagues within an NHS staff room.
People who look after the sick, elderly, frail, infirm and people suffering from all manner of ailments, without favour.
As in any other staff room on any day in the UK I daresay there are those who pass comment on how some crimes deserve the death penalty. Some may comment on how they believe there are far too many eastern europeans and other migrants in this country. They'll comment on all manner of events.
On that particular thread I was highlighting how so many of my colleagues were in favour of the death penalty, which one might not expect from Doctors, nurses and health care professionals.
Zeuhl sought to demean such views, suggesting that they were not indicative of the wider population, but in that usual superior and dismissive manner.
General concensus from a workforce doesn't really register with Zeuhl.
Maybe MR into DIY is very relevant to Zeuhl but it doesn't really give any indication as to the depth of general feeling over issues discussed here, does it?
Furthermore, at no point did I tell Zeuhl how to conduct MR either, but that appears to be overlooked. Maybe Zeuhl in turn will tell me how to position the patient, set the table, camera's, ultrasonic machine, diathermy machine, insufflator and gas warmer for a laparoscopic oesophagectomy?
But then I'm only a trolley pusher I guess, same as Zeuhl is a pen pusher, no?