To the person that think I'm Racist, far from it I have Muslim friends & they have also said the same as I, these 2 had it in min to kill a member of the British Army, but I wonder if these two would have the b@lls to fight for this country? they & a few others are quick enough to come here from their war torn pit of a country that SOME WERE BORN in, first Problem, Border Control for not doing their job properly, how many has been let into the FREELAND OF HONEY? there has been a lot of comments regards this Soldier / some one's son that these pigs killed, I like a few others know the problem, where the problem comes from, we also here about Integration, I do not think the Whites have any problem with that, its not us that has a chip on our shoulders, you want Integration? work for it, How, you must know the source of this problem, its not the whites that keep gunning down people in London & the other UK Cities, It's not the Whites that go around in cars in Rochdale / Oxford Grooming children, get you house in order, then start to integrate, that is, if you want it.