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Terror Attack In London

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ummmm | 17:58 Wed 22nd May 2013 | News
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Gromit, I can only presume that you were also able to shrug off the beheading of Ken Bigley and all the other innocent hostages who have suffered the same horrendous fate at the hands of fanatical religious madmen. War is war, and war brings casualties on all sides. This was not war. It was cold blooded murder carried out in the most horrific and barbaric way...
22:36 Thu 23rd May 2013
It's odd that people are quoting Matthew 5:38. 5:39 then says no, this wasn't right. "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person ... turn the other cheek,".

As I have been saying for a long time now, it is no longer safe to walk the streets of London,

Here was a poor English lad whose only crime was to wear a 'Help the Heroes' T/Shirt, walking in his capital city in broad daylight, only to be run down by a car and then hacked to death and beheaded with a meat cleaver, by two followers of Islam savages, who's roots must lie on the West coast of Africa.

This brutal crime was discussed at length on a late night local London radio station, where the two Left Leaning presenters seemed to be more concerned with how it had affected both the Muslim and Black communities, while at the same time condemning the EDL for protesting.

Haven't they the right to protest, seeing that there is no one else to take up the cudgel on our behalf? Had it been a black lad butchered by two white lads, would not the black community have taken to the streets, look what started the Tottenham riots?

My heart goes out to the family of this poor boy, and if it had been left to me, these two savages would have been thrown into a cell and left to suffer from their wounds until such times that someone could come to remove the bullets without anaesthetic, which is far too valuable to be wasted on the likes of them.

This type of thing "never happened in my day".
Absolutely agree with that aog.
AOG, I absolutely agree with you.
Totally agree with you AOG! They are evil and do not deserve to be resting in our cosy hospital beds. They should have been left by the roadside to rot.
Aye, that's central to the whole situation. Which book of rambling lies and ghost stories did a particular quotation come from.
All very clever and 10/10 for memory and Googling but it's a side issue.

Two lunatics killed a soldier in the street and mouth breathers stood around filming it. What's wrong with this picture and where do we go from here?
I can't understand why some people on here are trying to justify or excuse what happened yesterday.
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Who is trying to justify it?
Lets have someone takeover from the late Albert Pierrepoint NOW.
Let's not. The moment we behave like people we become like them. I cannot possibly understand how people can condemn this violence and then propose repeating it.
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//He subsequently became a publican in Lancashire and wrote his memoirs, in which he sensationally concluded that capital punishment was not a deterrent.//

From wiki....
Surely we need a deterrent.Look at all the recent crimes against innocent children now we get a young man beheaded in the street,what next?The time for dogooding is over.
I don't think that Capital punishment is ever a deterrent. I don't think you can deter some people. If the two yesterday were afraid of capture and punishment then they would have run away from the scene. They did not. They wanted to be captured. I don't even think that bringing back hanging would change that -- they'd just see themselves as martyrs instead.

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Looked like that was their plan. I'm glad the police didn't kill them.
-- answer removed --
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Another 'didn't happen in my day' Oldgit?
P9 3.45 Always confused video of bloodied savage with weapons. See the asian woman approaching, no shock, horror nor interest from her. That friends, is why and how radicals are secure in destruction.
I'm not sure why anyone thinks that capital punishment is a deterrent to religious fanatics. The people who committed this atrocity stood in public with blood on their hands, still carrying the murder weapons, and ranted to a camera. Then calmly approached armed police officers, completely unafraid of being shot.

This is not a crime that capital punishment would have prevented.
They were threatening the Police - why didn't they shoot them dead?
Question Author
Because the police need them alive.

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