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Terror Attack In London

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ummmm | 17:58 Wed 22nd May 2013 | News
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Gromit, I can only presume that you were also able to shrug off the beheading of Ken Bigley and all the other innocent hostages who have suffered the same horrendous fate at the hands of fanatical religious madmen. War is war, and war brings casualties on all sides. This was not war. It was cold blooded murder carried out in the most horrific and barbaric way...
22:36 Thu 23rd May 2013
Anyone know someone who wants to volunteer as the next Albert Pierrepoint?
no one, they should be locked up for life. And one thing that isn't in dispute, they did it, whether for revenge for soldiers in distant lands, or for Allah, i really don't care.
Why should we have to feed these people for next thirty or forty years at the untold expense top the country.
Sorry to our country.
Pixi, //i dont see how its a terrorist attack//

This appalling slaughter by barbaric religious fanatics is classified as a terrorist attack by our government because it was politically motivated. That, surely, is not too difficult to comprehend. These people are enemies of this country and, try as you might, what they have done is indefensible.
my heart says we should get rid of them, or that the police had shot them dead, but my normal head says that isn't the right way, that the law is the law, otherwise it's makes us as bad, and we wouldn't be able to take any kind of moral high ground if we condone state murder.
i totally agree, indefensible, and wait for more of the same, and the reprisals that will follow.
How does it make us bad em? We have been a soft touch for too long.Shows how right Theresa May is in wanting to rid us of Qatada and the rest of them.
I think that pdust has been rather harshly treated on this thread.

My idea of a terrorist attack is maximum destruction with maximum loss of life.

This was no destruction with a solitary loss of life...dreadful as it was.

You are correct, the facts are not available to me.

This episode and Islamisation of the UK are not necessarily related on my opinion.

These to me are a couple of psychopaths who often relate to an " outside" influence to justify their dastardly deeds.
// A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” //

What kind of fanatical muslim uses a Jewish phrase?
the government say it's terror related, some of the adherents to the Muslim faith have killed indiscriminately on our streets, let us not mince words here. See the footage of this killing, it's truly horrific. Just because it was one man, a soldier, doesn't make it any the less a strike for Islam and British involvement in Afghanistan, and any place where they believe they shouldn't be.
Gromit you and I seem to be the only people to have noticed that.

It is possible that it is also in the Koran - I was asking pdust that

Not so much Jewish as Mosaic

as the other thread

The Qur'an mentions the "eye for an eye" concept as being ordained for the Children of Israel.[18] The principle of Lex talionis in Islam is Qasas (قصاص) as mentioned in (Qur'an 2:178) "O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution (Qasas) for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment.". Some Muslim nations, still apply the rule, in accordance with the Mosaic Law. In some countries that use Islamic law (sharia), the "eye for an eye" rule is applied quite literally.[19][20]

“In the Torah We prescribed for them a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, an equal wound for a wound: if anyone forgoes this out of charity, it will serve as atonement for his bad deeds. Those who do not judge according to what God has revealed are doing grave wrong.” (Qurʾān 5:45)
Incredible - thanks em
apologies for quoting wiki, sure there are other places the info could be found. but this was the quickest.
Peter Pedent

The concept is there, but he used the jewish phrase not the Quranic version. He did not say

// eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear //
what on earth does it matter, in his skewed belief he may not even have known that fact, that it's also used by the followers of Islam.
Actually, Matthew is quoting Jesus who is himself referencing Jewish law.

As Jesus is a muslim prophet, I susppose he can just about get away woth using a jewish phrase.
Gromit, all the Jewish prophets are revered by Islam, including Moses and Jesus. The Koran was founded on the bible.
In a civilized society those that choose to show uncivilized behavior should not be allowed to remain amongst us. I believe the French had the right idea when major criminals were banished to the so called Devil's Island. I am torn between the idea of bringing back capital punishment for murderers & long term imprisonment ( which costs the taxpayers an enormous amount). I feel that if we could find an inescapable remote island somewhere in the world & put these bestial barstewards on it to entirely fend for themselves for the rest of their lives we would also save the expense of providing prison staff to confine them.


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